This teaching is from the section Shining the Light of Wisdom of the book “In the Buddha’s Words” by Bhikkhu Bodhi.

"Bhikkhus, I proclaim the elimination of taints (defilements) for one who knows and sees, not for one who does not know and does not see.

What, bhikkhus, does one need to know and see for the elimination of taints to occur?

  1. ‘This is suffering,’ bhikkhus, by knowing and seeing this, the elimination of taints occurs;

  2. ‘This is the origin of suffering,’ by knowing and seeing this, the elimination of taints occurs;

  3. ‘This is the cessation of suffering,’ by knowing and seeing this, the elimination of taints occurs;

  4. ‘This is the path leading to the cessation of suffering,’ by knowing and seeing this, the elimination of taints occurs. Thus, bhikkhus, for one who knows in this way and sees in this way, the elimination of taints occurs.

Therefore, here, bhikkhus, one should undertake the task to understand:

  1. ‘This is suffering’,

  2. ‘This is the origin of suffering’,

  3. ‘This is the cessation of suffering’, and

  4. ‘This is the path leading to the cessation of suffering.’"

The Buddha is referencing to the four noble truths in this teaching. Over his teaching career spanning some 45 years, he taught on the four noble truths the most to his students.

Read all the teachings to learn, reflect and independently verify the four noble truths: A handful of leaves 🍃 - Essential Teachings of the Buddha to Understanding The Four Noble Truths.

The effects of cultivating the eightfold path are gradual (DhP 273) - The Eightfold path is the way of practice to eliminate the taints, the defilements present in the mind.