Like obviously for gameplay it’s to unlock the secret ending but in terms of the lore, why do we consume the umbilical cords and why does it grant us protection from the Moon Presence? Why not just hold onto them, why does the Hunter look at them and think “Mhm yummy!”

[Original Post]

  • @Pissman2020
    91 month ago

    Read the title before seeing where this was posted and had a serious what the fuck moment

    • @idiomaddict
      21 month ago

      I’ve never played this game and just encountered the post in all. I was expecting some raised-in-a-cult logic and for OP to be super relieved.

  • Queue
    21 month ago

    You don’t eat them. You hold then up to your head to *consume " the knowledge. Much like the madman’s skull.

    Why? Hubris