For real I just want something new. I know the challengers was recent but PLEASE the last song attributed to NIN is 2021’s “Isn’t Everyone”, and it’s a collaborative song with HEALTH.

Is there any news about their work? Or are Atticus and Trent working on soundtracks for now?

  • @[email protected]
    17 months ago

    I thought he said something along the lines of NIN being basically dead to him now? Or maybe that was just about touring. Either way yeah I think he’s more interested in soundtracks etc for now like you say.

  • @EfficientEffigy
    17 months ago

    Check our Halsey’s If I can’t have Love I want Power.

    Awesome collaboration with Trent and Atticus.

  • gidM
    13 months ago

    Looks like we’ll be getting some new NIN after all!