Kevin Roberts, who leads thinktank that drafted blueprint for second Trump presidency, made remark in January

In a speech earlier this year, Kevin Roberts, the architect of Project 2025, a vast plan for a second Trump administration, compared abortion to slavery, lynchings, the Holocaust, antisemitic violence and terror attacks.

“Every slave auction, every lynching, every concentration camp, every abortion mill, every pogrom, every terrorist bombing from the Middle East to Kermit Gosnell, from Herod to Hitler to Hamas, has been justified on the same inhuman pretense that the victims aren’t really people,” Roberts said.

  • @njm1314
    281 month ago

    Weird to say cuz I’m pretty sure he’s pro slavery from what I’ve heard

    • @[email protected]
      91 month ago

      That’s the real reason why he compares it to abortion. To trivialize it. To make the word meaningless.

      Everything is free speech. Everyone is Hitler. Every action is treason. And so people stop paying attention to real warnings.

  • @BertramDitore
    241 month ago

    What in the ever-loving fuck is an “abortion mill?” Geez.

    I’m pretty sure he has it backwards. Forcing people to go into labor (literally forced labor) and have an unwanted or unviable birth, is much closer to slavery than allowing people the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions. All women are the slaves in this understanding, in case that wasn’t clear to the ignorant women-hating assholes who believe they shouldn’t be able to control their own families or bodies.

    I know logic doesn’t apply to these people, but for fuck’s sake, I wish they would take a breath and listen to themselves and how absurd they sound.

  • @IchNichtenLichten
    151 month ago

    Sounds like he definitely shouldn’t get an abortion if he doesn’t want one.

  • @Goodmorningsunshine
    71 month ago

    “It’s slavery! It’s genocide! But not the kind we’re after, so we’re against it.”

    -Project 2025 guy

  • DominusOfMegadeus
    1 month ago

    Has anyone seen that movie Brawl in Cell Block 99? Remember that scene where


    Vince Vaughn literally grinds a man’s face off against a cement floor?

    I don’t know why looking at Kevin Roberts’ face made me immediately think of that. Weird.

    • Flying Squid
      21 month ago

      A middle-aged white man who likely isn’t Jewish with a name like Roberts.

    41 month ago

    What a weird thing to do

  • Nougat
    31 month ago

    So … single payer universal healthcare then, right?

  • @xc2215x
    11 month ago

    Abortion is way less bad.