Don’t know what it is, but I much prefer the Crazy Frog remix, and have always enjoyed it.

Just in general, while Queen is still good, I think they’re overrated whereas I also think Crazy Frog gets too much flak.

  • @thallamabond
    57 months ago

    Definitely unpopular, upvote given.

    To me, crazy frog is annoying, and Queen is amazing.

    Music tastes are subjective though so enjoy that crazy frog!

    • Binzy_BoiOP
      27 months ago

      Not trying to rage-bait, being genuine when I say it’s the exact opposite for me.

      Like, I can see why people like Queen, don’t get me wrong, but honestly it’s just been the case that their music has been so overplayed. I know Bohemian Rhapsody is a low blow, but I personally get that same vibe with the rest of their music library.

      On the other hand, I’ve heard from a lot of people that they find Crazy Frog annoying, and I still personally don’t “get it” as to why they feel that way.

      • @thallamabond
        37 months ago

        "Crazy Frog (originally known as The Annoying Thing) is a Swedish CGI-animated character and Eurodance musician created in 2003 by actor and playwright Erik Wernquist. Marketed by the ringtone provider Jamba!, the character was originally created to accompany a sound effect produced by Daniel Malmedahl while attempting to imitate the sound of a two-stroke engine. "

        Back when this was new, many people in my circle had this ringtone, hated it then, hate it now. But as long as you don’t try to put it on the stereo at my house, we will get along just fine.

  • @RagingSnarkasm
    47 months ago

    It’s not possible to overrate Queen, scales don’t go high enough.

  • @andrewta
    17 months ago

    Never heard that song before ( I mean the version by crazy frog)