The game in the Screenshot is (modded) Skyrim. I went to Solitude and joined the Empire. On my way out I stopped by the Docks and checked things out. I snapped a picture of the warehouse doors on my way out I

  • @camr_on
    57 months ago

    Somehow I’ve made it this long without playing Skyrim. Don’t ask me how

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      27 months ago

      If a family member didn’t pick it up for the switch i probably never would have played it either to be honest

  • @BradleyUffner
    27 months ago

    Do you just play these games for 1 or 2 days, then move on to something else? I didn’t think I would enjoy playing some of these for only a few hours, it’s not enough time to really get the full experience.

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      17 months ago

      I have a lot of free time because I am (or was, courses started today) a college student who is waiting for school to start. Couple that with not having a job, or any other obligations really. I have a lot of free time. I have a Steam Collections of “Games I’m Currently Playing”. Usually I’ll play maybe one or two for the day depending on my mood. Some games I also only play with friends. Like No Man’s Sky. Most of the time it can’t be seen but I have a friend in the lobby with me

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      17 months ago

      Definitely worth it. I played the whole game through at least a few times on switch