> flunked out of art school
> natural leader
Uh oh
“shy and quiet” tho
Hitler started out that way too. Early on, his approach to women was being vaguely nearby on some occasions, not speaking to them, and wonder why she didn’t respond to his non-communication
Sounds like solid information from a reputable source with extensive knowledge on the subject. I trust it
You can ask for a source without the snark. Now I’m wondering why you’re trying to discredit people that are mocking Hitler 🤔
It was a joke.
Personally I just dislike the odd gossip like “facts” about historical figures that crop up over time. Hitler doesnt need to have been a molested child, failed artist meth addict with just one testicle and mental illness and whatever else people have attributed to him over the years to explain his deeds. Sometimes people are just really fucking evil.
failed artist meth addict
This one is true though. He was rejected from art school and his doctor (Dr. Morel) actually prescribed him a fair bit of meth in the last year of the war. It’s covered in the book Blitzed: Drugs in the Third Reich
It’s true, though. There was a reason why Hitler had to load up on Amphetamines before he went on stage.
Grow some balls.
Become the man your girl thinks you are.
But you can’t be tall, you are fucked.
She’s saying these things to him to reinforce it into his subconscious. One day he may start believing those lies, and one day they may actually come true. Except the tall thing, he’s fucked.
Just tell people you’re a long way off. Pretend to be yelling all of your responses, People will think you’re tall but just far away.
I have the exact opposite.
No gf saying it of course, but my daily affirmations for the last 20 years are: “you’re a piece of shit. You’re worthless. You’re single because you’re worthless. Don’t seek a gf, no one deserves to suffer your existence. Blue collar shit work is the only thing you’re capable of. You have decayed dog shit where your memory should be. Get fucked asshole, I hate you.”
It’s nearly impossible to stop because I honestly not only believe it, but it’s completely true. It’s not something that can be denied. It’s a fun life.
I don’t think those are affirmations
That tracks. Usual moron thing: use words you don’t know to appear more intelligent than you are.
Relax, dude. It was a stupid offhand joke
Blue collar shit work is the only thing you’re capable of.
Is this… bad?.. It’s even popular on youtube: lift technicians, lathe operator, subway drivers.
There is even very popular English-speaking channel about repair with over 2M subscribers: Louis Rossmann.
I can only speak to the lathe operators, but the pay is not good. Blue collar work is usually underpaid, no advancement, and society generally looks down on you for being “uneducated” and not working a job of value like white collar work.
and society generally looks down on you for being “uneducated” and not working a job of value like white collar work.
Man, America is so wild.
Maybe she’s trying to mind over matter experiment. If you just believe strongly enough maybe he’ll grow a couple of inches
Heels were invented for a reason, you know.
I’m tall.
Facebook keeps recommending these hidden lifts that go into your shoes. I’m tempted to get them just to be even taller.
Do it!
You can stand up straight tho. People always think I’m taller than I actually am
Likewise, I’m 5’10”/178 cm, and nobody believes me until I straighten up
Definitely a gaslighting toxic roastie.
How dare she appreciate and admire him for who he is like some street walking game playing whore.
How some 4chan regulars function in life and fail upwards into relationships with quality women is beyond me.
My grandma used to say “at the right price, everything sells”.
Kind of, at least, she’s say it in the local dialect that doesn’t translate great to English.
she’s say it in the local dialect that doesn’t translate great to English.
Oh yeah Scouse. No one knows what they’re saying
Nah, Emilian, from Italy
Homie has his girl become his hype man that’s the best thing that could happen and he’s still questioning it. I feel for this guy and his overanalyzing brain.
How does this guy think he got into the relationship in the first place?
Hold on, I’ve been here, I got this.
Stop. Shut up. Don’t question it - you can’t apply logic to this. Just enjoy it while it lasts. If it’s Kris happening over a prolonged period, them she’s a keeper.
What she’s doing is called “affection.” It can come in different forms, usually from family, friends, and romantic partners. If you’re like most guys, you probably didn’t experience much of it before. If that’s true, you wouldn’t know what it is. I advise therapy, because you don’t know what you don’t know.
that’s gaslighting! stop her!
1.7m is tall? Do you live in Shire?
the whole point of this post is that anon’s gf is exaggerating to boost his confidence
Clearly, she’s Possing OP.
People who build others up instead of shitting on them at every opportunity are great people.
But what is their endgame tho? 🤔
Completing school has less to do with intelligence than discipline
Anon seems to be survived some emotional abuse.
To be daily praised must be emotionally horrifying, I am lucky to be never praised at anything in my life,me is very very happy ◉‿◉
Great comment! Well done! Loved the emoticon at the end, never seen it before!
Do you build me up just to bring me down again?
Isn’t that image a touhou character I can be wrong