But it seems to only do this in the home tab. Search and subscription tabs still show the view count.

Now I don’t think view count is much of an indication of quality for a video, but the number of likes even less so. It varies quite a bit even on video to video from the same creator depending on if a like is called out for, or audience type.

Certainly not the most egregious change they’ve made, but a bit of an odd one I can’t quite figure out why.

  • Ignotum
    2526 days ago

    Likes alone doesn’t tell you much, like per view is better, but what if, and hear me out, we had something like an anti-like™
    Then so you could show the ratio of likes to anti-likes™

    Youtube should really look into adding anti-likes™

    • @militaryintelligence
      1126 days ago

      Some kind of a…reverse thumbs up? Could it be possible in our lifetime?

      • @CM400
        426 days ago

        A button with a representation of “I did not enjoy this video, Mesdames et Messieurs at YouTube, please let others know they, too, may not enjoy it” in some kind of visual medium that is more concise than “I did not enjoy this video, Mesdames et Messieurs at YouTube, please let others know they, too, may not enjoy it” would be nice.

        • @militaryintelligence
          126 days ago

          That would be impossible, since the only opinion people have is liking a thing, or being indifferent to a thing. Unliking, er…how you say, deliking a thing is not in the realm of possibility

  • Stern
    1826 days ago

    Likes is only indicative in relation to views. If you get 15k likes on 4 million views? Eesh.

    • @HereIAmOP
      26 days ago

      15k likes to millions of views would be poor performance, but only if you had already clicked in on the video to see the view count. I know what they really want is a hypothetical single “how much you will like watching this video” number to display, but I feel “likes” (and to maybe a lesser degree view count) need a second number that you can compare with. A bit like getting ratioed on twitter, you need both the comment and like/retweet counts to make that judegment.

  • Ephera
    1626 days ago

    From what I’ve heard, they’re currently running A-B-tests on that. So, unless you’ve seen an official announcement, you might just be one of the test subjects…

    • @TriflingToad
      326 days ago

      they ran AB tests on longer ads too, then just implemented them

      • Ephera
        226 days ago

        Oh yeah, I’m not saying there’s no chance of them permanently implementing it. They certainly wouldn’t be A-B-testing it, if they weren’t think about it.

    • @HereIAmOP
      126 days ago

      Oh god, I really should have proof read that! Fixed now, hopefully it’s a bit clearer.