The folks there were simply the best. But now we’re here! What brings me joy today? The hummingbirds outside my window drinking the nectar I’ve provided.

  • @[email protected]M
    31 year ago

    I’m so happy that others are starting to appear here. /r/simpleliving was my favourite space as well and I was sad at the prospect of having to leave it behind because of Reddit’s trajectory. But we will endure, and grow a new community here like starting a new garden after moving from your family home.

    Hummingbirds are an absolute delight. Watching them never fails to pause time for me. I was so lucky this year to spend the winter in a serene and temperate place where hummingbirds overwinter, and I got to watch a pair as they patrolled the snowy cliff. Each had a favourite spot to land in the trees that gave them a good vantage of the feeder, and I could watch them from the kitchen table while I worked. One day there was a cold snap and when I got up in the morning to make my tea, one of them came up to give me sass about his feeder being frozen! With body language and tiny chirps, he managed to get my attention and effectively communicate his needs. We promptly made him some new, warm nectar, and he ate a bunch before flying off to his perch again. I wish my whole life could be like those months.

  • @scarabic
    21 year ago

    I’m very proud of the mods there for participating in the protests and providing this alternative space. See you all around here more :)

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    I saw a hummingbird for the first time in the three years since we moved to our new house buzzing around my front porch. Saw him again a few days ago. It was a gorgeous iridescent blue/green/purple. Time to get a feeder I guess. Never had one, so would love any advice y’all have about a good product, placement, etc!

  • @CecilNobbs
    11 year ago

    I loved it too. I lurked, but at times it was like a refuge for me from all the crap we tend to deal with in the world at the moment. It sounds ridiculous but everything that has happened on Reddit over the last few weeks really got me down. The nail in the coffin has been the arrogance, greed and nastiness of the CEO in interviews I’ve read recently. Hopefully we see some more folks come over here and hopefully I can contribute a bit more to some discussions!

    Rain is bringing me joy today, it hasn’t rained for a few weeks and I woke up to the sound of rain on the window.