This is largely a silly post, but I’m curious if anyone has any fun conspiracy theories. Like why does Tataru need that knife on her belt? Is it because she’s got some NEFARIOUS dealings going on to get all that money?

More so, I just wanted to see if anyone else believes that the Random Mount button isn’t fully “random.” I swear I see the same handful of mounts summoned more than others. If I see the Manacutter or Yol summoned ONE MORE TIME, I swear…

  • @Drusenija
    27 months ago

    I’ll extend that to say the randomness in the game isn’t fully random. The number of times I’ve failed a 90%+ accurate gathering attempt in a row shouldn’t be statistically possible.

    That and once of Faux Hollows I got the same pattern twice in a row - thankfully I realised and I got the fox.

    • @garretbleOP
      26 months ago

      I was mining and missed on a 98% chance yesterday. I think even a couple of times during a leve quest.

      And while statistically possible, I don’t think it should happen as much as it does.

      I guess in computers there really isn’t a really great way to make things totally random. But for our purposes things shouldn’t be weighted in any way, but it feels like it is.

      • @Drusenija
        16 months ago

        It’s like anything I suppose, we’re predisposed to focus on the bad outcomes so they’re the ones that stick out in our memory. I’m sure I’ve probably had plenty of examples of going 4/4 on a 40% chance as well.