I’ve been having new permanent freckles appearing on my body since starting T. Is this a thing anybody else has expierenced

    • cowboycrustation [he/him]OPM
      21 month ago

      I get freckles when I’m out in the sun but these are the kind that are bigger and don’t go away. Got some in places that aren’t exposed to the sun like beside my belly button and my on my upper thigh.

      • @nalinna
        11 month ago

        (IANAD, and I’ve never been on T.) Is it ever so slightly raised? If so, it could be a keratosis. I started getting them as I got older in similar places. Not sure what it could have to do with T, though… maybe hormonal changes in general? Dunno.

  • pixel
    130 days ago

    i haven’t had any new freckles pop up without being out in the sun, but i have had new moles pop up and they can look like freckles when they’re very small! when i noticed it i looked it up and it sounds like moles mostly appear during puberty and so it makes sense that puberty 2 could give you more.

  • @[email protected]
    130 days ago

    I’ve been getting freckles on my body in similar places that aren’t exposed to the sun. I always thought it was related to age rather than testosterone, but who knows! I don’t mind them personally.