• @NegativeInf
    3823 days ago

    Pitchforks! Get ya pitchforks here! Torches, prelit or pretarred! Free to all those in need!

      • @supamanc
        1322 days ago

        Sure, just agree to the pitchfork EULA. How would you prefer we contact you with special offers and information about pitchforks? To get lavender, you must upgrade to the scents package. We can offer a one time discount of 50% of your first years subscription if you sign up now!

      • @NegativeInf
        822 days ago

        Lightning bolts or flames on that blue pitchfork? Might I interest you in a lovely rainbow torch handle?

        • BlanketsWithSmallpox
          622 days ago

          This isn’t nearly as fun without the pitchfork examples from PitchforkEmporium…

    • @[email protected]
      -422 days ago

      Against tanks, riot shields, and bombs. Sure buddy, sure. Grab your pitchfork, I’ll grab popcorn. 🙄

        • @[email protected]
          22 days ago

          Thanks for proving my point I guess…?

          the movement expanded against what many perceive as an authoritarian government when hundreds of protestors and civilians, most of whom were students, were killed.[f] The majority of the fatalities were caused by gunshots fired by the police and other government forces, using lethal and deadly weapons,[89] against unarmed protestors and non-protesting civilians, including children and pedestrians

          Meaning it’s literal suicide.

          Edit because you’re sure to bring this up: sure you might bring about change, but each individual in that protest holding a proverbial pitchfork is just yet another practice target for the cops.

          • @jorp
            22 days ago

            They took down the government… Their revolution succeeded.

            I didn’t realize your point was even stupider than I imagined. Thanks for your great contribution Socrates.

            • @[email protected]
              022 days ago

              You sound like you just have a martyr fantasy. That or you actively want your fellow protesters dead.

              • @jorp
                122 days ago

                history is full of examples where people just sat around waiting and change happened

      • @jorp
        022 days ago

        deleted by creator

  • @buddascrayon
    20 days ago

    My personal thought of the day:

    If we keep referring to them as the ruling class we will never diminish the power they wield.

    They are the undeserved wealthy. The takers of value and the destroyers of a balanced economy. They are often mocked, but instead they should be pushed off their gilded pedestals through progressive marginal tax rates that are equal to those of the early 20th century.

      • @buddascrayon
        621 days ago

        Both are more fitting that “The Ruling Class”. Seriously, fuck those people. Burn down London Town.

    • @xenoclast
      21 days ago

      I call them owners. But it doesn’t matter because they hold all the power through threat of violence and access to violence.

      Maybe there is a better solution but at this point I think violence is the right answer against such a threat.

  • @[email protected]
    2322 days ago

    A revolution will never happen and if it did we would just end up with some lunatic in charge. A power vacuum always attracts the people you do not want at the top. We’d just end up with some fascist system again.

    • VeganPizza69 Ⓥ
      2222 days ago

      Then remove the larger thing that creates the vacuum area. Don’t have positions of power.

      • @[email protected]
        22 days ago

        Wow! You just solved everything! /S

        No one likes cancer, therefore remove all cancer. What a genius take!

        What about not liking work, surely we can just abolish it 🙄.

        • @[email protected]
          722 days ago

          That’s actually how you treat cancer though. You remove all of it. And it hurts you while you do it but if you survive you get to keep going a lot longer.

          Its like literally a fine analogy.

          • @[email protected]
            222 days ago

            That’s not what’s being alluded to here. You’re talking about an excision, which then leads to healthy tissue replacing the excised tissue through natural processes.

            Meanwhile, the genius proposal above was to remove positions of power and leave… Blank. Nothing. Nada. The void.

          • @Malidak
            -122 days ago

            That kind of thinking is exactly what caused the genocide under Pol pot in Cambodia. For the working class utopia cleanse everything like treating cancer (they used the weeds and roots analogy, but is more or less the same). It killed more than 20% of the population

        • @[email protected]
          121 days ago

          Could we like just get rid of the problem politicians though? Say we have like a French style ceremony with rails and tar and chopped cabbage

    • @jorp
      1022 days ago

      Democracy went away for 1500 years, then France tried it and reverted to Empire.

      Now most people live in democracies.

      How exactly did that happen? Educate us

    • Queue
      321 days ago

      We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.

      • Ursula K. Le Guin
  • @Jon_Servo
    1522 days ago

    People’s negative beliefs that the revolution would never happen is itself a tactic to prevent the revolution. More people believe that this cycle of destruction, exploitation, and death needs to end than believe we should allow it to continue.

  • @x00z
    921 days ago

    LFG = Looking for group

    • @[email protected]
      821 days ago

      I think the author intended it to mean “let’s fucking go”

      But LFG is how my brain will always read it. (WoW BC thru WOTLK)

      • @[email protected]
        121 days ago

        If OP is actually looking for allies I can’t help but imagine the comedy drama of some guy getting tricked by a Chinese Psyop into going places and doing things because he thinks he’s a part of some sort of grass roots resistance lol.

        “So when are we going to meet up?”

        “It’s not safe right now, did you get my package?”

        “Yeah, the one with the mandarin on the side?”

        “Ignore that, it’s shipped from my brother in San Francisco.”

        “That’s cool, my sister lives in LA.”

        • @isaaclw
          121 days ago

          How would I find thia drama?

      • @x00z
        120 days ago

        Just go lay in the grass in a park near you and I’ll be there.

    • @buddascrayon
      1022 days ago

      Yeah cause that shit turned out great for Russia. Maybe we (Americans) should follow our own history and do what Woodrow Wilson and FDR did. Tax the bastards, tax them till they bleed.

      • @[email protected]
        21 days ago

        russia saw one of the biggest jumps in quality of life for its citizens in recorded history.

        we tried taxing the rich, they are dismantling these in the world as we speak and they will keep doing it again and again as long as we let them exist as a class.

        capitalism is obsolete.

        • @buddascrayon
          21 days ago

          russia saw one of the biggest jumps in quality of life for its citizens in recorded history.

          Either you are joking or you are very stupid. Or perhaps you are one of Putin’s little puppets, trying to recontextualize the USSR and the various atrocities it committed against its own people.

          Regardless, you are very very wrong.

          Edit: and now I’m remembering how many tankies reside here on Lemmy.

          • dch82
            21 days ago

            If you don’t want to listen to tankies, you should just straight up block .ml

            • @buddascrayon
              421 days ago

              Arguing with them adds flavor to my life.

            • @buddascrayon
              021 days ago

              So, stupid it is. Putin is a USSR glorifier. He continually puts out propaganda about how great Russia was under the banner of the USSR. His whole reasoning in invading Ukraine and Crimea is to re-integrate them as they were before the fall of the Berlin wall.

              • @[email protected]
                021 days ago

                He glorifies it so much that’s he criticize communism a lot.

                He just want the land dude, he is a oligarch, a reactionary. The actual government is not communist.

                • @buddascrayon
                  021 days ago

                  If you think that what the USSR had was communism, then you are as dumb as the other guy.

  • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
    22 days ago

    Revolution sounds fun! If we did a revolution Friday do you think I could get back sometime Sunday? I have plans, and I really would hate to cancel.

  • @[email protected]
    21 days ago

    Erm, no, lol. Not even close. They can kill some or maybe all of the human race. The planet though? It’s been through way more dramatic climate change in just the last 100,000 years than us pesky humans could even dream about causing.

    Nuclear Armageddon you say? Even a nuclear winter can only last so long. Modern nukes are much more about blast shockwave, and burning things than spreading radioactive materials anyway. Chernobyl released way more radionuclides than your average bomb, and that was comparatively not a big deal.

    The biggest extinction events are always super volcanoes. Short of interference from the outside universe like a gamma ray burst or the sun dying the volcanoes will still be the source of the most severe extinction events. Do you really think we could do something a giant meteor couldn’t? Piss off.

    Preventing climate change is all about saving our own arses and the arses of those unlucky species currently stuck with us.

    • Nomecks
      321 days ago

      Fun fact: The Earth has not had oxygen for a longer time than it has had oxygen, and it changes states.

  • Agosagror
    22 days ago

    I am of the belief that revolution isn’t going to happen, and if one did happen if would only be hijacked to maximize a select set of individuals authority. Capitalism has entrenched itself inside each and every single individual, much beyond the capacity of any one governments control in my view

    I believe that the only solution is for each and every individual to reject capitalism, and opt out. That said it is not easy to leave the infinite monopoly game, I reckon sustainable self sufficient individuals or communities are likely the only way to achieve this and each community or individual will have to do this by their own free accord.

    And even if there is a will to opt out, which will likely come from individuals almost exclusively, you need land and skills, land which is being brought up by corporations, skills and knowledge increasingly locked behind pay walls. And once you have gotten it all together, you are totally off the grid. Well you still have to convince everyone else.

    Although as more people achieve this, the challenge drops. Once a few people have done it joining up gets easier, many hands make light work after all.

    As for how to obtain that land and those skills, I suppose then it’s a question of how much are you will to bend or break the law, or risk it all. The Governments role here isn’t all that great, its just to make breaking the law less risky or not a requirement

    But hell maybe I’m wrong and the revolution is well on its way.

    • @Hackworth
      422 days ago

      At this point, I’m 50/50 on whether the revolution will be enacted by bots.

      • @[email protected]
        922 days ago

        You mean save humans? Life in general doesn’t need saving, it’ll keep trucking regardless of whether we’re here or not

        • @Retrograde
          22 days ago

          There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground, And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;

          And frogs in the pools singing at night, And wild plum trees in tremulous white,

          Robins will wear their feathery fire Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire;

          And not one will know of the war, not one Will care at last when it is done.

          Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree If mankind perished utterly;

          And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn, Would scarcely know that we were gone

          -Sara Teasdale

  • @Sorgan71
    -922 days ago

    Even if all carbon production stopped today, it would not be possible for humans to survive.

    • @jorp
      922 days ago

      This thinking plays into the hands of the oil execs and billionaires, if you truly believe this it should spur you into more action not inaction.

      You can lie down and die right now, if you want.

    • BlanketsWithSmallpox
      -222 days ago

      Humanity will survive until the last star in the galactic neighborhood goes out.

      Humans though. Sure, we got like 90 years at best most of the time lol. I’m sure we will be able to change that enough in the future. Sadly I wasn’t able to make it that far.

      And if you’re serious… Stop drinking the flavor aid lol.

      • @[email protected]
        22 days ago

        until the last star in the galactic neighborhood goes out.

        thats big wishful thinking. one stray meteor thats big enough and we are fucked.

        collapse of ecosystems? fucked. neutron star burst? fuckkkedd.

        • BlanketsWithSmallpox
          422 days ago

          Meteor, not likely anymore but it’s easily the only real killer for us now.

          There’s nothing in our neighborhood that can fry us.

          In reality there’s only two, stray objects we can see large enough to turn the entire crust into lava.

          Yellowstone cauldron? Not big enough.

          Nukes? Not enough of them.

          Small-medium asteroids. Same as nukes.

          Viruses? Not good enough to wipe out everyone.

          It’s literally stray black holes, an asteroid we haven’t spotted large enough to wipe us all out. Or alien attacks ala dark forest from LSV attacks.

  • @[email protected]
    -1122 days ago

    Go back to beehaw lmao. Even democracies struggle to vote for people actually working towards a greener future. Surely this time a revolution will bring a solution

      • @[email protected]
        -222 days ago

        I’m not speaking about the U.S. with its screwed electoral college and first-past the post system. I’m speaking out of the perspective of a German where we have a strong representative democracy with rampant populist parties having major influence in politics due to the amount of people that vote for them.

        • @[email protected]
          221 days ago

          rampant populism is a symptom of capitalists controlling the process through money. my country is exactly the same through us influence.

          of course different countries different circunstances, but changing around the players of the game barely changes anything if we don’t strive to change the game.

          • @[email protected]
            221 days ago

            Populism is existent in every democracy. It does not solely stem from capitalism. People like hearing simple answers to complex problems which doesn’t work.

            • @[email protected]
              21 days ago

              far right populism, which is the one we are contending with in the world right now, is a capitalism thing.

              who else would finance an agenda that almost exclusively benefits big capital?

              • @jorp
                321 days ago

                Not only do capitalists promote right wing populism (because as you say, it doesn’t challenge capital), they similarly squash left wing populism.

                Look how many progressives were primaried out recently in the US because of their anti-genocide stance and other leftist values.

              • @[email protected]
                21 days ago

                Far right nationalism doesn’t benefit capitalism the way you think it does. Do you have any evidence to go off of that big corpos are actually pushing far right agenda. In germany in Saxony for example the medium sized companies are running ad campaigns against far right extremism since we rely on immigration and skilled labor from abroad since we don’t have enough people to fill all the jobs ourselves. No immigration would literally hurt the economy. I don’t know what you’re on about.

    • @jorp
      -122 days ago

      “even democracies” as if China isn’t pretty much kicking every western democracy’s ass at going green right now…

      I don’t support China’s authoritarian state but being in a liberal democracy is exactly why we’re having a hard time, corporations buy and sell political will in a liberal democracy.

      End capitalism

        • @jorp
          22 days ago

          China’s per capita carbon output is lower than the US and Canada and their solar and battery technology is looking like the best in the world right now. It’s part of why the US is taking protectionist measures against Chinese green technologies.

          This while still being a manufacturing economy for the most part, i.e. making things for the rest of the world to consume. It’s easier to go green in a service economy.

          It’s not controversial to say China is doing a lot more and moving faster towards their environmental goals. We have people all over the world studying and writing about this.

          Where’s your info from? Gut?