• downpunxx
      1321 days ago

      There’s always been guys that buy ink by the barrel, who favored the addage “if it bleeds it leads”, who employed their bully pulpit to put their personal agenda’s in front of the general public to sway their communal opinion and spur them to action (mostly political), then came Fox Newsification, which is specifically meant to fracture the American body politic cleaving it from Democracy itself in favor of Christofascism

      These things are not the same, even if Trump is beaten, and dies in Prison, there has been a poisoning of our core, the south has risen again, and I don’t know how we put this genie back in the bottle that had cost so much blood and treasure to achieve at Appomattox

      • DaGeek247
        -221 days ago

        the south has risen again,

        You need to get off the internet for a bit. That’s not how people, or “the south”, works.

        • @MotoAsh
          421 days ago

          The only thing they have wrong is that it is NOT a recent change. The rot has ALWAYS been there.

          Trump just gave them the confidance to pull the masks off.

  • @[email protected]
    6121 days ago

    I find callouts like this ironic considering the all feed for Lemmy is exactly the same thing minus the ads.

    • @taiyang
      2521 days ago

      At least there are memes. Star Trek, D&D and Linux memes, but still. Also the angry pundentry is in the comments.

      • @[email protected]
        21 days ago

        Listen here, FOOL, there’s also fossilesque single handedly keeping sciencememes alive.

      • @[email protected]
        221 days ago

        I use my own curated feed most of the time. Not saying there aren’t other things, but the all feed is easily 75% doom scroll usually.

      • @[email protected]
        -221 days ago

        Nah, just sub to the decent communities and avoid all. That’s what I did on Reddit, and it works pretty well here.

    • @[email protected]
      321 days ago

      Most of that is just copying headlines and posting links to news sites though… Lazy posting but it is more a symptom of the disease that would most likely be cured if the root problem was cured.

      • @[email protected]
        321 days ago

        Check out a newsletter called “Fix the News”. It’s a weekly-ish roundup of positive world news, and no it isn’t things like kittens being saved from trees. It’s major stuff.

      • @mossy_
        221 days ago

        how do you spend this much time on Lemmy without finding anything positive

  • @[email protected]
    4121 days ago

    Generally agree, but the “news” isn’t meant to offer solutions, or fix anything.

    They are only supposed to highlight or reveal facts and situations.

    In some cases, reporting on a topic can result in solutions, as in the case of previously unknown corruption, but that’s an edge case

    • Optional
      621 days ago

      Generally agree, but the “news” isn’t meant to offer solutions, or fix anything.

      Is it meant to be a fear firehose and present only discord and strife?

      My point being - says who? The “news” is meant to keep people informed and that includes solutions. And it doesn’t dictate everything be a goddamned shitshow 98% of the time. Which is what local news inevitably is, no matter where “local” is.

      • @[email protected]
        421 days ago

        “who what where when how”, etc. that’s the point of news. Tell the people that. Save the rest for the opinion pages, and don’t muddy the two.

        Detail pieces from experts are awesome content, and a happy home for solutions. The news is the retelling of events and situations, as appropriate for the scope of the news org. (Local news vs global news)

        I’m not saying opinion articles or solution discussions shouldn’t exist. I’m saying they should be separate.

        • Optional
          121 days ago

          “who what where when how”, etc. that’s the point of news. Tell the people that. Save the rest for the opinion pages, and don’t muddy the two.

          Are you suggesting opinion can be removed completely from news stories? Are the story choices themselves outside of opinion?

          Well, no and no. The real reason local news is a horror story fiesta every night is because good news is boring. It doesn’t sell.

          • @[email protected]
            221 days ago

            I’m not saying one entity can’t do both, but “news” should be cold information about happenings.

            “Opinion/editorial” is the follow up analysis about facts.

    • HubertManne
      021 days ago

      Yeah. News has to be especially bad, or especially good, or especially unusual. I think there is a bit of a bad bias though. when I watch traffic and weather, while im thrilled if they are good, im mainly looking for bad. do I need to change my travel plans or wear heavier clothing or different shoes or have an umbrella. Similarly I would want to know immediately if there was a bank robbery or escaped criminal or mass shooting happening anywhere I might be going.

    • @ChicoSuave
      -121 days ago

      Nostalgia doesn’t usually have a purpose but it does help spread some oral history, so here’s a blast from the past. You sound young, born from a time before the news stopped being useful. There was a time, before 1994, when the news would call out the situation and cite experts who would call out alternatives or provide clarity of what the path forward could be.

      Take a look at this broadcast from 1980, before Reagan could molest the hell out of the FCC.

      Literally giving out news in the format of “here’s the thing, here’s what it means for you.” Now the news is all about blasting “information” without caring about the consequences - or worse, only broadcasting one sided info with an intent on affecting the consequences.

      • @[email protected]
        21 days ago

        Thanks for the assumption.

        You didn’t refute anything in my comment and just took a pass to write some stuff. Nostalgia? I never mentioned it.

        Edit the shared broadcast does nothing to discount my comment.

        I’m not describing how news is today, but what it’s ideal state should be.

        Ideal: Here are the facts, impartiality.

  • @Awkwardly_Frank
    1721 days ago

    There are certainly problems with the state of journalism, but anyone who tries to “view the news as a person” will be as woefully uninformed as those who try to “run government like a business.”

    • Optional
      321 days ago

      The “state of journalism” is that it’s many miles down the mineshaft of capitalism and the only way out is to try to monetize crowdfunding.

      BBC is (was) the opposite and have their own issues, but in general I think we can agree they’re ahead of the US journalism framework.

  • dream_weasel
    1521 days ago

    Sometimes the news stations are ragebaiting you and that sucks.

    Unpopular opinion:

    Sometimes there are multiple, newsworthy bad things happening at once. More and more often, THIS is the reality. Rights are under attack, people are dying, the climate is getting buggered, your privacy is up for sale, etc, etc. Maybe if we all got up off our sad, fragile asses once in awhile to vote/protest/act we could do something about it? If you’re under 40 I specifically and directly mean you, especially if you read this and you feel your jimmies rustling. Shit is bad, and WE gotta fix it. Gen X+ ain’t gonna get it done.

    • @chaogomu
      821 days ago

      Sometimes bad shit happens again and again and instead of actually talking about why this happens again and again, the news media pretends to be “unbiased” so they ignore the racism, misogyny, bigotry, and just general rage and hatred that fuels most of it.

      instead of actually focusing any time on that, and their role in it, the news media will blame the left for being “too extreme”.

      It’s not a new phenomenon. The New York Times famously didn’t report on the fucking Holocaust except in the broadest strokes.

      In fact their coverage at the time was almost identical to the way they’re covering the genocide in well, there are actually half a dozen in progress around the world right now.

      • dream_weasel
        221 days ago

        It is basically always worth having the conversation. My gripe is with people who think the news should just be happier or who check out and want a pat on the back for it.

        It is everyone’s job to be informed. As fully as is reasonably possible. At least that’s my perspective.

        • @[email protected]
          120 days ago

          It would be nice if the news actually provided more of the background information though and not the least amount they can get away with and then repeat ad nauseam.

    • @yemmly
      120 days ago

      I appreciate that you remembered there’s a Gen X, even if you’re applying ageist stereotypes to entire generations of diverse individuals.

  • @[email protected]
    20 days ago

    Negative news has a greater impact on people than positive: https://assets.csom.umn.edu/assets/71516.pdf

    Media sites know this, and use it to drive engagement:



    And so, negative headlines are getting worse: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0276367

    But negative news is addictive and psychologically damaging: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/why-we-worry/202009/the-psychological-impact-negative-news

    So it’s important to try and stay positive:


    If you want a break from the constant negativity, here are some sites that report specifically on positive news:

    Remember, realistic optimism is important and, unlike what some might have you believe, is not the same as blissful ignorance or ‘burying your head in the sand’: https://www.learning-mind.com/realistic-optimism-blind-positivity/


    And doesn’t mean you must stay uninformed on current affairs: https://www.goodgoodgood.co/articles/how-to-stop-doom-scrolling


  • @taiyang
    1321 days ago

    Again, kind of a point for NPR given at least they do have an expert talk for like, 3 to 15 (or longer for some specially podcasts) and never angry. Less or no ads, although they still have sponsors. Plus if it’s really grim, they give a content warning (although it’s not like they show snuff videos like cable news does).

    Also local news affiliates, they fill time with silly fluff like how a bake off is going or local pet adoptions. But that still has the ads.

  • @[email protected]
    21 days ago

    This has a Ryan George (Pitch Meeting) written all over it

    News: here are STARTLING MORTALITY RATES that you definitely did NOT ask for while you wait for the weather that we definitely promise is coming! But first a word from our sponsor

    User: you’re right I really didn’t ask for th—

    Ad: “HI HELLO THERE I’m the pharma ad – THIS COULD (possibly) KILL YOU!”

    User: oh god why would I want that? –

    Ad: So you won’t be depressed ya silly goose!"

    User: [Gestures to “News”] these people give you… Money?..-

    News: Yeeah yeeah yeah yeah!

    News: enjoy watching it every break until you actually feel depressed! *ARE YOU SAD YET??

    User: when are you going to get to that segment that you keep teasing over and over which is very effectively keeping me in engaged on your platform?

    News: heyshutup HERE’S THE SAME AD AGAIN!

  • Praise Idleness
    1221 days ago

    Pretty sure most social constructs and all sounds morbid or toxic if you put them like this…

    • downpunxx
      121 days ago

      well, only if you put them like this. there are different ways to put things. one way sells more advertising space. all the other ones, not so much.

    • @MotoAsh
      -121 days ago

      You … DO realize the news CHOOSES to cover things like this… don’t you?

    • Optional
      -221 days ago

      Not so - let’s pretend Anthropology 101 is a person.

      It . . . it sounds like a teacher.

      Okay, let’s pretend a grassroots advocacy group is a person

      It sounds like someone really concerned about [homelessness, food insecurity, etc.]

      Only news is so untouchable and overwhelmingly depressive.

  • @NicolaHaskell
    1121 days ago

    me: picking imaginary fights with made up enemies is toxic

    some jerk: no it doesn’t!

  • @[email protected]
    1121 days ago

    Capitalists flip flop between motivating with fear, and scaring the working class into paralysis with fear as well. Fear of losing your job; fear of your neighbor; fear of other countries; it’s all just fear. Bad news also draws people in and gets clicks and views.

  • @[email protected]
    621 days ago

    There’s plenty of news out there that is rational and factual. It’s boring however and you refuse to go find it. So keep only taking in the major mainstream outlets and complaining about it.

    • @[email protected]
      1021 days ago

      Please, let me know where? I am a terrible googler and I need the help. Please help me find the rational, factual news.

      This question is direct to op. Of course, if you have suggestions, okay, but I am specifically interested in which ones op meant.

      • @doingthestuff
        221 days ago

        It’s just more of the regular biased shit, but it agrees with their pre-existing biases so it’s all good.

      • @[email protected]
        20 days ago

        There is no one. I always find it when I read stories and notice there’s no added commentary or fluff. Usually it comes from news sources based in other countries that I think don’t have a horse in the race of the country being reported. Other times going straight to things like PBS or AP bypasses the added flair or missing context more mainstream sources would push.

        If nothing else, The Onion is pretty damn good.


  • @dubious
    520 days ago

    yeah, people think that feeding into our reactionary side for views is something new, but television has been corrupting us since long before the internet.

    i remember these stickers in the 90’s… they used to be everywhere, especially in the subcultures like the punk/rave/hippie/skater scene:


    i’m glad someone was looking out for me. killing that thing definitely made me a better person.

  • @[email protected]
    420 days ago

    I absolutely agree with the “news” person until half way.

    Reporting what has happened isn’t toxic it’s news. That’s their entire job.

    Getting stuck on repeat about the same thing, might be toxic though. Since it’s no longer news.

    • @[email protected]
      520 days ago

      Another thing is the “experts on both sides”. This is a poison of the mind, to believe that right and left wing politics are both equally valid and correct. Most of the time the science agrees with the left.