uplifting Wikipedia
Forgive the cliché, but it’s not a question of if but when. My money is on climate change.
The article points out that it’s not a new idea … it became fashionable back in the early 1800s. But it became completely -possible- by the time Sagan started talking about nuclear winter. That even inspired a couple of movies showing how much fun it would be.
So yeah, climate change would be a low slower. But have we been keeping our eyes on that Doomsday Clock? It reached 90 seconds to midnight 1-1/2 years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doomsday_Clock
Climate change wud be preferable … it at least gives us a chance to change into warmer socks, and fix the boat.
Climate change itself may be a slow cooking, but it will cause all sorts of quick acting chaos, like food and water shortages, civil unrest, wars, and possibly even nuclear war. People need to stop thinking it is just going to be a bit warmer and more chaotic climate wise - that’s the “now” state that we’re already in.