I’ve just managed to get the larger backpack modification and the increased sprint duration (bigger pockets AND lungs!) This has been a game changer for me; it saves so much time. What were your game changers in suits and guns?

  • @JohnnyDread
    31 year ago

    MAVERICK SUIT ︎ Extra Backpack Capacity ︎ Reduced Tool Battery Consumption ︎ Improved Jump Assist ︎ Night Vision

    DOMINATOR SUIT ︎ Damage Resistance ︎ Improved Jump Assist ︎ Faster Shield Regen ︎ Night Vision

    MANTICORE TORMENTOR ︎ Stowed reloading ︎ Noise Suppressor ︎ Greater Range ︎ Faster Handling

    MANTICORE EXECUTIONER ︎ Greater Range ︎ Audio Masking ︎ Scope ︎ Stability

  • akimM
    21 year ago

    I haven’t dabbled with Ody engineering yet. Any good resources about how to start this?

    And what is a fun activity doing on foot?

    • @[email protected]OP
      11 year ago

      I did a bit of everything at first. And sucked at them all. Fortunately not a very expensive rebuy. Found a G3 Maverick suit, and things started to become… possible. I heard there’s a “sharing is caring” site, where cmdrs who find a G3/engineered suit or gun that they don’t need. Now-- I’m very fond of slaughtering settlements full of pirates and looting everything. I’m Space Nice but Settlement Naughty. Took me years to find this out.

      • akimM
        21 year ago

        I know this site (it’s on the forums) and have (empty?) G3 suits and G2 weapons i think.

        How do I find settlements with only pirates so that I can just shoot stuff?


        • @[email protected]OP
          21 year ago

          Look for LEGAL (orange ones; not the purple) Raid and Exterminate Scavengers missions on concourse mission boards. Happy to discuss my recipes for fewer rebuys and failed missionsb if you want!