• @[email protected]
    6221 days ago

    Here’s the thing - Hamas isn’t actively killing Israeli civilians anymore. You can argue that if we don’t fully wipe Hamas they will in the future, but right now, almost exclusively Gaza civilians are being killed. That ratio isn’t 45:1 today, it’s closer to 4500:1.

    • @taiyang
      421 days ago

      I imagine most are dead or hiding, so yeah. I’m not really sure who they think they’re killing if not civilians.

  • @waddle_dee
    5421 days ago

    I mean, technically correct. Just one side has SIGNIFICANTLY MORE casualties

  • @Limonene
    3221 days ago

    The civilian:soldier death ratio is unacceptable for both sides.

    But Biden is giving weapons to one side.

  • @WraithGear
    1621 days ago

    Even fucking now. Jfc, thank goodness his age caught up to him. And i hope Harris has some sense

  • @hate2bme
    720 days ago

    How does Bernie, a Jewish man, see what Israel is doing but our dumbass president can’t? Oh yeah, money.

  • @[email protected]
    113 days ago

    Is it really surprising that a government that started a war while spending zero dollars on air superiority, zero dollars on artillery, zero dollars on defensive fortifications, zero dollars on civilian bomb shelters, zero dollars on radar and enemy detection and zero dollars on a military college for its officers is losing the war it started with a 45:1 casualty ratio?

    If Israel were truly trying to maximize harm in Gaza it could easily be 4500:1.

    This is special Olympics vs. Olympics here.

  • Fugtig Fisk
    20 days ago

    Actually if it indeed is 45:1 i must admit that i did not know that so many israeli civilians had been killed!

    Edit: I legit thought that the only Israeli civilians killed in this conflict were the hostages. Is this still the case?

    • @Lasherz12
      420 days ago

      Presumably that includes Israeli hostages being bombed by IDF and malfunctions. Who killed them wasn’t made clear.

    • @[email protected]
      119 days ago

      October 7th does ring a bell, no?

      Also several Israelis died due to rocket and small terrorist attacks.

    • Karyoplasma
      2321 days ago

      Name an instance where “Hamas” numbers (a misnomer for the Gazan Ministry of Health) vastly differed from independent investigations.

        • @Keeponstalin
          820 days ago

          You mean the Al Ahli Hospital? The one instance where it is still inconclusive? Yet you are convinced it’s Hamas, I wonder why. The hospital where we know for a fact was hit by Israeli rocket fire days prior. All the while, Israel has never stopped bombing hospitals, schools, mosques, historical sites, Refugee camps, tens of thousands of children, hundreds of journalists, and international aid workers

          This was not the first airstrike on the hospital in question. The New York Times confirmed that the same hospital had been hit by rocket fire on Oct. 14, 2023, before the more recent attack, in which four people had been injured.

          More than half of Gaza’s homes destroyed or damaged, 80 percent of commercial facilities, 85 percent of school building, 16 out of 36 hospitals are partially functioning, 65 percent of road networks, 65 percent of cropland damaged

          there is extensive evidence of the IDF quite literally engaging in human shielding — forcing Palestinian civilians to approach houses for them because they’ll be less likely to be shot at than Israeli soldiers, for example. Israel’s High Court banned the practice in 2005, but Israeli human rights group B’Tselem reports that “soldiers continue to occasionally use Palestinians as human shields even after the court ruling, especially during military operations.”

        • Karyoplasma
          720 days ago

          That is not even relevant to what I wrote. But okay.

          40 decapitated babies.

            • @Lasherz12
              720 days ago

              Presumably it was to illustrate how misinformed you are, and you took the bait by believing the most widely disproven lie the IDF has told so far in this genocide.

    • @[email protected]
      20 days ago

      The Palestinian death toll has been verified by journalists and US intelligence. After US intelligence verified the death tolls, sudden the Israeli government stopped disputing the death toll.

      You have a very strong opinion but clearly haven’t done your homework.

  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
    21 days ago

    That’s because of the war though. And dual use. Border controls. Like, if Hamas could get whatever it wanted into Gaza, the ratio would be 1 to 45. I agree the ratio is appalling as is, especially all the kids. Hamas should stop hiding under everyone’s cities, actual leaders should step forward and reject martyrdom culture. Maybe Gaza would have more of a future.

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
        -3821 days ago

        If Hamas surrenders the war ends. It has nothing to do with anyone’s genes. It has to do with Hamas packing kids into tiny rooms above tunnel shafts and then refusing to let them evacuate, or worse, convincing them that it’s good to be a Martyr.™

        • work is slow
          21 days ago

          You’re so right and smart. On that note it’s weird that nobody wants the US to bomb their own schools when an active shooter is holding up there.

          Level the whole school. That will prevent future shooters.

          • @WraithGear
            21 days ago

            They kinda already do that. Remember when police destroyed a house that a shoplifter ran to, and made the innocent family pay for it?

        • @kurwa
          1320 days ago

          Then why do Palestinians get attacked in the West Bank?

          • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
            19 days ago

            West Bank has Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, and IJ as well. They launch terror attacks from the West Bank. Take your pick of pan Islamists far right radicals who literally want to genocide every non Muslim in the middle east and “restore Islam to its rightful place in the world.”

            They get attacked because they choose international terrorism instead of literally anything else.

            • @kurwa
              1020 days ago

              Sure it does. But the biggest terrorists are those disgusting genocidal Zionists, stealing homes and lives like a bunch of fuckin savages. Fuck them and fuck you, you genocide supporter.

              • ???
                119 days ago

                Just this morning Israel is apparently surrounding a hospital with all the patients inside… in Jenin. Totally “acceptable” of the “oNlY dEmOcRaCy iN tHe MidDle EasT”.

                It’s like, “oh yeah we love killing Palestinians but those are the orders we get from our democratically elect government 😉 if you forget all the Palestinians with absolutely no rights”

        • @Dasus
          1120 days ago

          Oh don’t be so childish. Hamas is a vaguely defined terrorist organisation.

          There is no scenario in which Israel goes “all right Hamas decided to surrender, we got these known leaders here, so we’re sure there’s no more Hamas anywhere and we will now leave the Palestinians alone, as this was definitely never a flimsy excuse for a genocide to make lebensraum for Israeli settlers”.

          Whatever Hamas does, Israel will keep up the killing and fighting and landgrabbing. You’d have to be extremely naive to think otherwise.

          • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
            -820 days ago

            Hamas sold out the foreseeable future of Gaza. As soon as they did October 6, they sent an engraved invitation to Israel inviting over for a seige war followed years of martial law.

            Gaza needs to be rebuilt after this. Who is going to do it? Gaza can’t do it. They made sure that every penny of public wealth has gone towards making sure children are malnourished but rocket launchers are deployed and loaded up. Gaza literally doesn’t ave the excavators and dump trucks that they need just to clear the streets, let alone build new public works, because they spent every penny anyone had indiscriminately shooting rockets at Israeli neighborhoods and digging tunnels which they use to hold every Gazan hostage.

            • @Dasus
              820 days ago

              Did you reply to the right comment?

              I don’t see how any of that has anything to do with my comment.

        • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
          921 days ago

          You’re saying Israel is the “bigger person” for basically shooting through human shields?

        • @[email protected]
          220 days ago

          The war ends and it goes back to apartheid, of religion and homeland, no genes required. And what evidence is there of what you’re claiming?

        • ???
          19 days ago


          because it’s yet another example of an extremely dumb claim resting on an extremely unlikely piece of informatio

          But if course you will ignore this request because you can easily just ignore anything from me 😁😊😊

    • Omega
      1921 days ago

      So, you’re saying that the IDF is a terrorist organization similar to Hamas?

    • @[email protected]
      1621 days ago

      actual leaders should step forward and reject martyrdom culture

      Well Israel is killing them as well . Israel will not tolerate any leader who advocates for a free Palestine. Look at the West Bank and how far fatah’s collaboration has gotten them, slowly being pushed out by terrorist settlers. This is why Palestine has no future, Israel forbids it. If you peacefully protest you get shot in the leg , if you use violence then that violence is brought back on you 50 fold. Anyone who thinks Hamas just needs to play nice doesn’t grasp the full historic context.

    • Karyoplasma
      21 days ago

      Gaza has been a shithole long before Hamas existed because Israel is doing the same shit since over half a century. The only future they can look forward to is staying an open-air prison. There will be no two-state solution, Israel does not want that.

    • ???
      -119 days ago

      I am yet to see any army as immoral and as bloodthirsty as the IDF. Hamss fucking suck but even they wouldn’t literally kill this many civilians whether they can or can’t. Hezbollah could flip all tables on Israel and yet they don’t tend to kill a child every fucking minute. In the meantime Israel claims to have the best war tech but always kills 10 extra people because for them the best way to kill a Hamas fighters is not when he is in a tunnel, instead it’s when he is kissing his daughter goodnight. And in most of those cases, no Hamas fighters were killed.

      What significant life event other than literally everything happening today would it take you to realize this?

    • @TropicalDingdong
      21 days ago

      Israel puts their US money into protecting their citizens instead of and martyring them.


    • @lennybird
      1620 days ago

      Holy shit it’s almost like Israel could’ve just:

      • Listened to intelligence reports of an impending attack.

      • Actually fucking manned their border with the troops they committed to an offensive so terrorists couldn’t just waltz in on motorcycles and paragliders lmao.

      • And avoided committing the equivalent of around 40 x October 7ths against innocent civilians!

      Thanks for proving the point that this offensive was unnecessary.

        • @lennybird
          020 days ago

          Nothing brings a bigger smile to my face than a spammer spewing lies and contextual half-truths following me around to other threads after I whooped their ass in in another thread.

          • @[email protected]
            20 days ago

            In that case, I’ll keep following you around and posting this since it makes you smile so much.

            It’s pretty hard to sell that “half truths” thing when all I did was share an uncut video of Kamala saying and cheering for the very things you’re pretending to be against while rabidly defending her to people that you accuse of being trolls.

            • @lennybird
              -420 days ago

              Boy, you’re really running the gamut on fallacies — now committing a straw-man fallacy of my own position! How desperate :(

              I’ll remind you of what I wrote since you keep deflecting:

              And when you muster up the courage, do let me know the utopian nation from where you reside.

              I’m betting money it’s China. Are you even allowed to say Tiananmen Square Protest and Massacre? Are you even allowed to visit this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests_and_massacre — copy and paste the 4th paragraph to confirm!

              The amount of deflections is laughable and a concession that I won. Thank you :)

              • ???
                15 days ago

                I agree with what you say in general about Israel but here is a big downvote for being so fucking rude.

                • @lennybird
                  15 days ago

                  You’re missing context with this user who was stalking me across several communities. As a result they were banned and countless of their comments removed by mods.

                  So excuse me for dishing back what was originally served.

    • ???
      019 days ago

      To be martyred in Arabic means to bear witness to being killed unlawfully, even people who die by mistake can be thought of as martyrs. To all the parents and children who lost each other, their loved ones being a “martyr” offers condolences in shitty times if war because it means instant entry to heaven in Islam. Culturally the term is applied even to non Muslims, especially when butchered needlessly by Israel. It’s not like a death cult, it just means “killed unjustly” and literally translated to “Witness”. It’s a bit of a mistranslation…

        • ???
          13 days ago

          Shit religion? Sure. I don’t give a fuck. Islam sucks like all the rest.

          Shit people? I can’t change your view if you are just a racist.

            • ???
              012 days ago

              You said shit people. Islam isn’t worse than other religions.

              But I don’t give a crap about conversing with you so don’t bother

                • ???
                  12 days ago

                  You sound like some internet edgelord. Anyway not in the mood for a covo with people who will use their antitheism to veil their racism.