Are there any privacy implications of enabling it?

  • @Crashumbc
    224 days ago

    No more than using Google “location services”.

  • @Substance_P
    123 days ago

    When you enable Find My Device, your device participates in a crowdsourced network that collects location data from various Android devices. This means that your device will not only send its own location information but also receive and process location data from other devices in the network.

    While Google claims that this data is anonymized and encrypted, there remains a risk that sensitive information could be exposed if security measures fail or if the data is accessed by unauthorized parties.

    In other words, there are significant privacy implications as far as I’m concerned.

  • @[email protected]M
    123 days ago

    the worst privacy feature from apple is getting migrated to android. they are using every android around you to spy on you. here come the google airtags