And then busted by chat because… streaming.

Tap for spoiler

Watch the blonde girl closely at the beginning of the vid

  • @Taniwha420
    22 days ago

    It would help if I could read the text! What happened?

    EDIT: OK. <spoiler> I pieced together most of the chat. The blonde at the front covers her mouth like she’s shocked, but she’s hiding the fact that she’s puking in the hot tub. You can see it run down from under her hand. There’s a guy in chat calling her out for it, but she keeps trying to play it off. I assume buddy pulls up the video and confirms they’re all bathing in chunder broth, and everyone - except for the culprit - bails fast.</spoiler>

    EDIT 2: I hope my spoiler tags worked.

    • @Lifecoach5000OP
      222 days ago

      Gosh I added spoiler tags with a basic reveal in this post as well. Could you not see the “spoiler” button?

      I know it’s super confusing without context. I was hoping the spoiler would be available.

      • @Taniwha420
        121 days ago

        I saw your spoiler, I still couldn’t figure out what was going on. Partly I was busy looking at her facial expressions, whereas to notice the puke you’ve got to be watching the bottom of her hand. Also, I’m not sure what the clip was like on desktop, but the narrative in the chat helps with interpreting the drama, and it’s just about illegible.

  • @Lauchs
    122 days ago

    I am so very confused.

    • @Lifecoach5000OP
      322 days ago

      Blonde girl in the front lowkey vomits. Fast forward later and others in the hot tub review the stream and see it.

      • @Lauchs
        122 days ago

        Thank you!!! I should’ve zoomed in.

        With some editing and whatnot that could be a hilarious clip. Her expression at the end is kinda priceless.