Been listening to a few lately, a few John Carpenter’s, Mayhem was pretty out there, looking for more that are interesting or wildly off topic or entertaining.

  • @jqubed
    86 months ago

    An unexpected one for me was the commentary for Godzilla 2000 on the American/English release. I kind of laughed when I saw it was an option because this is one of the Japanese-made films that was dubbed into English and I had no idea how they’d handle that. Would it be in Japanese? Would that be dubbed? In fact it was the director of the English version explaining the whole process of creating the English release, including that the dialog was not dubbed but looped, and what that difference meant. It was a fascinating look at something I knew nothing about.

      • @jqubed
        56 months ago

        IIRC dubbing tries to be an exact translation of the dialog whereas looping takes more liberties to try and get the audio to more closely match the on-screen mouth movements. A scene should still convey the same overall story but the dialog might not be directly comparable.

  • Curious Canid
    66 months ago

    GalaxyQuest included an alleged commentary track that was all in Thermian. No one should ever listen to it, but my hat is off to whoever put it together.

  • qantravon
    56 months ago

    Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog has a commentary track called Commentary! The Musical! It is exactly what it sounds like, and it’s hilarious.

  • @[email protected]
    36 months ago

    loat soul: The doomed journey of Richard Stanley’s island of Dr Moreau.

    documentary of the collected footage of everything behind the scenes of the production process of the island of Dr. Moreau made by Richard Stanley starring val kilmer and Marlon Brando.

    this movie is notoriously awful, although Richard Stanley is a notoriously fantastic filmmaker, the main problem was Marlon Brando intentionally being a piece of shit and sinking the production because he was a narcissistic, cynical asshole.

    not just complaining or being difficult but changing almost everything about every aspectod the movie and destroying the sincerity and process of the production until Richard Stanley literally went mad, was replaced, ran off into the jungle on the island they were shooting and lived in the jungle spying on the rest of the production process and then never made a film again for the next 20 years or something.

  • Drusas
    36 months ago

    The Venture Bros. Doc Hammer and Jackson Public are hilarious.

  • @fross
    26 months ago

    The one for Predator is hilarious - done after the fact they can’t remember half the movie, and lots of amazing stories come out, such as the heat-camera not working in the jungle (as everything is hot) so they tried dousing the scenery in ice water, making the cast stand next to a fire, then quickly record it. It didn’t work well.