• @stanleytweedle
    1242 years ago

    Amazing to me that we’re still talking about how to hold this fucker accountable while he’s gearing up for the next election.

    • @Huxleywaswrite
      492 years ago

      They keep coming back with these headlines, but they all look the same to me, “Trump did thing that we all already knew he did!”. Fucking get on it then and charge him

      • @stanleytweedle
        402 years ago

        Yeah I get that they’re complicated charges and justice takes time. But if there aren’t actual consequences before he has another chance to run we’re basically telling future fascists that coup attempts are a pretty good idea because even if you fail you can try again in 4 years and if you succeed the second time you’re all good.

        • @Huxleywaswrite
          222 years ago

          Are they really that complicated though? He did most of it on television where we could all watch it, and has bragged about it repeatedly, again in public. If someone gets a DUI, while livestreaming their drive and posts all over social media about how they were “fine to drive that night,” and “only had a few drinks”, that wouldn’t be complicated. It would be an admission of guilt that sealed their fate.

          • @stanleytweedle
            222 years ago

            Yeah, but there’s a shit load of precedent for every possible DUI case, not a lot for attempted coups by a president. Plus presidential immunity and 1st amendment rights complicate everything.

            Even so I think you’re right that they’re not that complicated as far as why it’s taking this long. The real complication is that his entire political party was complicit in the attempt and are continuing to run any interference they can to help Trump avoid or delay consequences.

        • @[email protected]
          52 years ago

          This is exactly what happened with Hitler and Napoleon. They were tried and convicted of major crimes, and given a slap on the wrist. They both took the time to raise more support, and came back even stronger.

      • @thorbot
        122 years ago

        Yeah, I will believe it when I see his flabby orange ass in prison

        • keeb420
          42 years ago

          I didn’t think we’d make it this far but I’m bot holding my breath on him being found guilty. Especially in Florida and Georgia.

          • @[email protected]
            22 years ago

            The Florida Federal Judge is going to spike the case, yeah. Really sucks.

            But the Georgia trial is in Atlanta specifically, and the presiding judge there seems fairly responsible.

            Unfortunately the Georgia state house just gave themselves permission to unseat locally elected prosecutors, which will come online in, I think, September?

            • keeb420
              22 years ago

              It’s more the juries I’m worried about. All it takes is one person to refuse to change their mind.

      • skulblaka
        122 years ago

        Yeah when a normal person commits a crime they don’t get a couple weeks warning about their raid, arrest and indictment

      • teft
        32 years ago

        The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.

    • HuddaBudda
      2 years ago

      It’s more surprising that a rapist, election denier (With no evidence), Money launderer, and past seditionist, is somehow the front runner for the party of law and order.

      I feel like I’m taking crazy pills, the more evidence that comes out, the more republicans want to vote for him.

      • @[email protected]
        52 years ago

        The problem for the right is that they sold their soul to maga to get the win last time (well they already sold their soul long ago, they just traded everything else they had). It seemed like a great idea to go in on the maga cult angle because it was super popular and was easily enough to tip the scales against Hillary who barely even tried to counter him. Even better was just how untouchable trump seemed. Whatever behavior would have ended anyone else’s political career only made him more popular amongst his base.

        The problem is that when you make a cult you can’t just turn it off when it stops delivering for you. These people are hooked and will likely die maga devotees. So the gop has a big problem, they can’t win without trump because if they run someone else he will just run as an independent and they lose. If they stick with Trump outside of further election fraud I really don’t see him hooking the same number of undecided voters as he got last time. There are loads of people that vote republican but hate trump and they’ll either vote Biden or abstain. Obviously not all of them but he’s just not going to be able to pretend he’s not a crazy criminal asshole like last time.

        It’s by no means assured and I’m a pessimist so knowing my luck he will find a way to win, but it’s a much different story than the last go around. They have quite the uphill battle and when your front runner is facing multiple felonies you are going to struggle.

    • @aseriesoftubes
      162 years ago

      while he’s gearing up for the next election.

      Even better—he’s using the fact that he’s running as justification for not prosecuting him, claiming “election interference.”

      Want to do crimes and get away with them? Just run for president!

      • @thatguydude
        92 years ago

        It’s why he announced so fkn early

      • @PwnTra1n
        22 years ago

        “well i’m running my grassroots presidential campaign, you would be interfering in the election”

  • SpaceBar
    602 years ago

    Trump Lawyer Sydney Powell directed people to sieze and then break into a voting machine for its data. Trump asked Georgia’s secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, to “find” 11,780 votes and threatened repercussions if he didn’t.

    That’s racketeering under Georgia law.

  • Flying SquidOP
    382 years ago

    Remember- presidents cannot pardon state-level crimes. Even if he were elected, if he were found guilty here, he couldn’t pardon himself.

    • n1ckn4m3
      162 years ago

      Sure, but who is going to hold him accountable? The justice department can’t do anything when the supreme court is willing to fold on constitutional law in favor of personal interest and partisan loyalism – checks and balances only work when they’re impartial and that’s just not the case right now. I definitely wouldn’t be holding my breath waiting for any Trump conviction to have any actual impact.

      • Flying SquidOP
        72 years ago

        I guess it depends on whether or not he can be extradited to Georgia if found guilty. Otherwise all he has to do is just never go to Georgia.

        • Trebach
          112 years ago

          Or any state willing to extradite him to Georgia.

          • @MegaUltraChicken
            42 years ago

            Gavin Newsome will be keeping black bag teams on standby at every airport in California.

      • @Saprophyte
        32 years ago

        Brian Kemp has been nose deep in Trump’s orange grundle for years, the only delay he would have in pardoning Trump is because of all the orgasms he’d have while drawing up the paperwork.

        • @Ensign_Crab
          82 years ago

          The governor of Georgia does not have the power to issue pardons.

          • Flying SquidOP
            62 years ago

            And he is not on Trump’s side. He might be a right-wing asshole, but he doesn’t like Trump.

          • 1chemistdown
            32 years ago

            TIL. And there are eight other states where this is true. Done with the internet today. Don’t want to learn too much.

  • @Dionysus
    362 years ago

    Lot of GOP leadership used their positions to protect Trump’s racketeering, influence peddling, and criminal acts in an organized way. RICO the fucking GOP.

    • @Eldritch
      22 years ago

      Yes. As bad as Trump is. It is only because he was allowed and enabled to be that bad.

  • @AbidanYre
    2 years ago

    If it’s what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer.

    • chaogomu
      -32 years ago

      No, it’s likely not an exception. But a DA is going to DA and shoot for the moon, so that he can drift aimlessly in the vacuum of space when he misses.

  • @TheHighRoad
    52 years ago

    Who knew shakedowns could be part of racketeering? /s