So then this old guy reminds me, I don’t NEED to see their identification!
Looks like you’re winning this round. Do you wish to pick/provide a picture for next weekend?
No specific link, but TLJ Green milk could be fun, with as much of the “fuck you and the dewback you rode in on” look in Luke’s eyes as is practical.
I generally try to use pictures outside of the movies… Like background pics or people dressed up. Maybe I’ll find something about that scene, but I dunno…
Gotcha. I’ll defer to you, but if you’re comfortable, I did fine one.
Hah, okay. Saved for next weekend.
Looks like that guy was just arrested for possessing CP, so I rather quickly replaced that pic with a new contest…
Yeah, that’s completely fair. Oof.
Just a coke please. I’m worried that alcohol might affect my aim.
At first I read that as “just coke, please”. And somehow it made sense to me.
“I don’t know Stan, I don’t think we should drink on shift. What if someone tries to rescue that princess? Our aim would be terrible.”
“Look, all I’m saying is: our helmets look like actual skulls. Are we the bad guys?”
No one:
Let’s party like it’s 19BBY
I don’t know, man. I feel I’m going crazy, somehow I can’t get that burning uncle Owen barbecue smell out of my helmet…
“You hear they’re retiring the old T-15?”
Anything as long as it has a long straw in it.
“Did you hear about that new hack? I heard you can give this guy 12 credits and he makes it so the Imperial database will show ‘Expert Marksman’ whether you show up for training or not.”
I don’t know man, ever since that princess called me a buckethead, I can’t look in the mirror without seeing it too
Left: I think Frank’s fucked up, we should probably get him home
2nd Left: nah my wife’s out of town, I’m going to enjoy myself
Frank: flabllllrajjjjjjshkiskiiiii
2nd Right: Frank, get it together, you’re going to get us kicked out
Right: you guys suck, I should’ve gone to Applebee’s“That feeling when you’ve been reassigned to Tatooine”.
I’m so glad the Emperor seized the factory of my favorite drink.