His portrayal of the self aware hologram Vic on DS9 was always a highlight for me. In the midst of an ongoing war epic, they’d sprinkle in moments for Fontaine to cheer/distract the crew and audience. His beautiful voice helped Nog through the loss of his leg and the PTSD incurred from battle. He got Odo to remove the proverbial stick from his ass. Plus, he helped to orchestrate a ridiculous heist on the holodeck in order to save his program. He will be missed.

Article from Hollywood Reporter

  • @[email protected]
    326 months ago

    It’s sad seeing some of the actors starting to pass. He was a highlight for me too. I had mentioned on a comment a while back that his song playing right after Nog lost his leg was one of my favorite uses of music in Star Trek. The follow-up episode is also one I’ve watched many times. A lot of good memories.

    You’ll be missed Vic.

  • @[email protected]
    226 months ago

    He allways felt completely out of place, it felt as he was forced onto the series rather than growing naturally.

    I am absolutely not calling him a bad character, or anything bad, but his sudden arrival and continued reappearance was jarring to me.

    That being said, my complaints about him are all writing related and not his fault

    • But Class War [Illinois]
      126 months ago

      Yep, did a full rewatch last year and nothing against the James but that felt so forced. Nog moving in and those two doing an odd couple / romantic friendship thing was pretty decent though, but that’s about it. Wish they’d given him a better intro instead of forcing a character out of nowhere.

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      He allways felt completely out of place

      I felt that way too, until it clicked for me that music has a history in war of keeping morale up, and that’s a messy relationship.

      So I’ve reconciled Vic as being meant as a stand-in for a missing traveling ‘support the troops’ musician. Vics “what the hell did you all bring me to life, here in the middle of a war, for?!” sort of maps messily to the experience of a musician drafted during WWII and put directly into an army band.

      I’m curious if the theory holds up to closer inspection on my next watch through.

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        Thank you, that is a good way of looking at it, Starfleet sent DS9 the program to keep morale up on the frontlines, yeah that makes sense.

  • Flying SquidM
    146 months ago

    James Darren was also in T. J. Hooker, which starred William Shatner, giving him a double-Star Trek connection.

  • @Iheartcheese
    146 months ago

    I always wished they had put him in the show earlier

    • @ummthatguyOP
      166 months ago

      Agreed. We got a hint of him late into season 6 with “His Way”

      Unfortunately, the only time he and Jadzia interact before the change to Ezri. If only he could have had another full season or more and be akin to the Doctor.

  • @aeronmelon
    106 months ago

    whistling Blues Skies while crying