• Cris
    4214 days ago

    There aren’t really words for how upsetting this is

    • @[email protected]
      1714 days ago

      I find I often have to stop for a moment and imagine her life up until the sniper shot. Like, you and I have ONE life, and it’s EVERYTHING, and this girl’s went dark for the remainder of the universe.

    • @[email protected]
      -113 days ago

      There are, but you can’t say them on .world.

      Ironic, considering they whine and moan about being “censored” from posting debunked CIA conspiracy theories on leftist instances.

      • Cris
        513 days ago

        Bro, your literal entire comment history is attacking people for not sharing your political compass alignment. Get offline. Do something that makes you happy. That shit ain’t good for your head, and you can’t fight the good fight when you’re emotionally unwell and too wrapped up in your own anger to engage with anyone through anything other than insults and attacks.

        Hope you have a decent day. Take care

        • @Hackerman_uwu
          213 days ago

          Bless your heart for being so kind to them. I think more people need to take your approach. That account has ‘mosque shooter’ written all over it IMO.

  • @[email protected]
    2314 days ago

    After seeing this happen so often I do not doubt the Israeli soldier saw a clearly unarmed girl through his scope and pulled the trigger to murder her with impuinity. These are not accidents. Israel does this entirely on purpose.

  • @LordCrom
    1914 days ago

    What would Picard do? Whatever he could to stop the loss of life.

    Goddamnit this is infuriating

  • @Aceticon
    14 days ago

    It takes a very “special” kind of person to clearly see a child on their sniper rifle scope and pull the trigger to kill her.

    I have no doubt in my mind that Israel and it’s Military are not only dominated by Psychopaths and Sociopaths, but that they’re also full of such sick people.

    This also means that the leaders of those countries who persist in sending them weapons are themselves probably Sociopaths or Psychopaths.

    (I really can’t see how the likes of Joe Biden, with all the power of the US Intelligence apparatus at his disposal, isn’t aware of the cold violence against children being committed by the Israeli Military all the while he signs ever more executive orders to send them weapons)

    • @WaxedWookie
      1214 days ago

      Biden knows perfectly well… As does Netanyahu and the IDF. All should be in the Hague, but instead, we’ll make a mockery of the UN and the concept of international law - all in service of a range of cocktails of political expediency and hate.

    • @[email protected]
      1614 days ago

      Im ngl i stopped finding satire like this funny after learning there are grown, educated, family people that will say this unironically.

      • @Aqarius
        414 days ago

        “I don’t approve of political jokes; I’ve seen too many in office.”