
“Zionism is not Judaism” is a new release infographic made by my team.

It addresses the differences between Zionism and Judaism.



[Infographic showing difference between Judaism and Zionism]

[Image to text, 9 images are included related to information]



  1. Source: 3500-year-old monotheistic religion with various global followers.
  2. Belief system: centered on the one God, adherence to the Torah, and moral and ethical code.
  3. Global Community: Diverse religious practices among different Jewish sects.



1. Source:The late 19th-century political movement was criticized for its colonial ambitions and disregard for Palestinian Rights.

2. Political goal: To establish Israel in 1948, which led to the displacement and suffering of the Palestinians and the Invasion of Palestine.

3. Invasion: Racism and Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians by the Zionists since 1948.


Racism: refers to policies such as the Law of Return, which favors Zionists over Palestinians and gives Zionists worldwide a golden ticket to Israeli citizenship, while Palestinian refugees who were forcibly resettled (expelled) in 1948 were displaced and their return to the land of their fathers and ancestors is prohibited. Such policies are reminiscent of a system that deliberately prioritizes Zionists’ interests over Palestinian interests and exacerbates tensions and oppression. And this Zionist strategy tarnishes the face of the Jew.

[Line to seperate]

Ethnic Cleansing: The establishment of Israel in 1948 was not merely a historical event, but a calculated act to force hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homes, as part of a larger planned strategy. The continuous destruction of Palestinian homes in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, along with severe restrictions on the rights and freedoms of Palestinians, brings the Zionist Ethnic Cleansing closer to its goal

The Israeli invasion in 1948 for occupying Palestine and the creation of Israel led to the displacement of about 700,000 Palestinians, according to historians.

Hundreds of Palestinian villages were depopulated or destroyed during the Zionist invasion in 1948. According to Palestinian groups, Israel destroyed more than 500 Palestinian villages during and after the 1948 war.

Estimates vary, but common figures sug- gest that some 300,000 to 400,000 Palestinians were expelled or fled across Palestine’s borders in 1948

Israel’s “Absent Property Law” of 1950 allowed the government to seize land and homes left over from Palestinian refugees.

United Nations data shows that more than 5 million Palestinian refugees and children have been registered in the relief and work organization of this organization as a result of displacements in 1948.

According to Human Rights Watch, since 1967, Israeli authorities have demolished more than 50,000 Palestinian homes in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem).

[Highlight for below]

Demolition of houses continues and according to the UN report, more than 1000 Palestinian structures were destroyed in 2016-2020 alone. Critics claim that the purpose of this work is forced displacement.

[Highlight for above]

In summary, while the exact figures are disputed, reputable human rights groups and historians estimate that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in the 1940s around the time of Israel’s invasion, according to critics, policies and practices aimed at reducing forced displacement or were fired the presence of Palestinians continues to this day. However, it isn’t easy to check the exact statistics.


Source: https://x.com/ApartheidReview/status/1828765854601011698

  • @graeghos_714
    16 months ago

    It’s a little more explicit than just wanting to establish the Israeli state. It was taking the biblical lands as their nation. They’ve continued to expand and control more of those lands from their neighbors. I have no problem with Israel being a country, I have a problem with their expansion and their pretense offered for the goals of powerful Zionists in their gov

  • JackGreenEarth
    6 months ago

    Who was living there before the Palestinians and why did they leave?

    Edit: Either you believe that the Palestinians are just as bad as the Israelis, forcing people out of their homes and conquering the land, and it should really belong to the tribes of Canaan or you believe it should belong to the latest conqueror, the Israelis, saying it should belong to any owner in between is just drawing am arbitrary line in history.

    Or you think it should be a democratically run secular state where people from any ethnicity or religion can live in equality.

    • @TallonMetroid
      116 months ago

      Jews got kicked out of the Levant because the Romans got tired of them rebelling 2000 years ago. How is that in any way relevant to the Palestinians?

      • JackGreenEarth
        -176 months ago

        Either you believe that the Palestinians are just as bad as the Israelis, forcing people out of their homes and conquering the land, and it should really belong to the tribes of Canaan or you believe it should belong to the latest conqueror, the Israelis, saying it should belong to any owner in between is just drawing am arbitrary line in history.

        Or you think it should be a democratically run secular state where people from any ethnicity or religion can live in equality.

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
      46 months ago

      How far back do you want to go?

      Quick search:

      Palestine in the ancient world was part of the region known as Canaan where the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah were located. The term `Palestine’ was originally a designation of an area of land in southern Canaan which the people known as the Philistines occupied a very small part of.

      Palestine came to be referred to by European Christians as the Holy Land and the First Crusade was launched to win it back from Muslim occupation in 1096 CE. This effort was followed by many more, supported by the Byzantine Empire, through 1272 CE at enormous cost of life and property but with nothing finally gained. The Byzantine Empire fell in 1453 CE, greatly reducing Christian influence in the region, and Palestine was held by the Ottoman Turks. The region continued to be contested throughout the next few centuries until the British involved themselves in 1915 CE during World War I at which time the western powers first devised plans to partition the Middle East for their own purposes and benefit.[1]

      1. [1] https://www.worldhistory.org/palestine/ ↩︎

      • JackGreenEarth
        6 months ago

        So the Palestinians are just as bad as the Israelis, forcing people out of their homes and conquering the land, and it should really belong to the tribes of Canaan? Either you believe that or you believe it should belong to the latest conqueror, the Israelis, saying it should belong to any owner in between is just drawing am arbitrary line in history.

        Or you think it should be a democratically run secular state where people from any ethnicity or religion can live in equality.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          Or you think it should be a democratically run secular state where people from any ethnicity or religion can live in equality.

          The reason it hasn’t been is because Israel doesn’t want a one state solution because they would have lost most of their power over the Knesset. Many people would have been fine with this result before the genocide, it’s unclear how much the numbers have changed since.

    • @TrousersMcPants
      36 months ago

      What country do you live in? Good chance that they have run people off their own land some time in the past. We can just do whataboutism all day long

      • JackGreenEarth
        6 months ago

        The difference is I’m not saying it’s right. I just find it weird how people paint Palestinians as right in controlling Israel, when they dont have much more of a claim than Israel.

        • @TrousersMcPants
          26 months ago

          As far as I understand it, they’ve been living there for many generations while modern Israel was established during a civil war in the late 40s because other countries were sending their Jewish populations into the area where they had conflict with the pre-existing Muslim population. I believe that all the people living in the area have the right to live in peace, but the state of Israel was essentially forced upon the people in that region because of Zionism. this whole conflict is just sad and it’s hard to really support either side in good conscience.

          • JackGreenEarth
            16 months ago

            I dont support either state, but I support all the people just trying to have a normal comfortable life and live in a place where they don’t need to live in fear

    • XNX
      6 months ago

      Or you think it should be a democratically run secular state where people from any ethnicity or religion can live in equality.

      You mean how Palestine was run? Palestine was a secular state with people of multiple religions living together with the same laws