• @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
    165 months ago

    So he’s a shill or just as dumb as I assume most libertarian voters are. Tear down the government and what do you get? Billion-dollar corporations with a lengthy history of fucking over laborers, buying out or squashing start-up competitors, and rearranging assets to avoid paying restitution to customers they straight up killed. Yeah, real utopia that sounds like.

    • TheHiddenCatboy
      75 months ago

      It never occurred to OP that you might be referring to the Libertarian in OP’s article that’s dropping out of the race in CD8 to endorse the Republican to avoid spoiling it to the Democrat. I find that shit funny

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
        5 months ago

        You are right, that did not occur to me because he mentioned “shill” and that term is usually used for online users (in my experience).

        But yes, you’re right, it could be that the person I responded to was not talking about me! I’ll edit my response to incorporate this feedback. Thank you!

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
      5 months ago

      So he’s a shill or just as dumb as I assume most libertarian voters are.

      I’m not a libertarian though. I’m actually a socialist. In fact, I created and mod a socialist community here on Lemmy.world.

      I didn’t write the article. I just posted it. Not sure why you think that makes me a libertarian. If you have a problem with the article or if you think it’s incorrect, please write to the news org or the editor of the news org.

      I’ve only posted it. I had no say in it’s creation. Please refer to the disclaimer I posted regarding the article. Thank you!

      EDIT: Someone has posted that the OP was not referring to me, but someone in the article. So my bad! I’ll keep my comment here for reference tho!

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          5 months ago

          Why did you post it?

          This is a political news community, and the article I shared is political news. Do you feel that this article shouldn’t be allowed in this political news community?

          • @[email protected]
            55 months ago

            you are not posting 99.99% of all the possible political news articles. Why did you choose this one, Or the other ones that you do post ?

            • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
              5 months ago

              you are not posting 99.99% of all the possible political news articles. Why did you choose this one, Or the other ones that you do post ?

              I am not in charge of posting every news article on the web, friend.

              I read this one, thought it was interesting, and I posted it. I’m just posting this article that’s already available on a much bigger platform than Lemmy—I didn’t write it, just sharing it for discussion.

              I believe the content fits this community’s guidelines, and if you feel otherwise, the mods are available. Thank you!

              • @[email protected]
                55 months ago

                LOL, dude, let me tell you this approach is very transparent and doesn’t make you look clever.

                Everyone knows you have editorial agency and has observed that you have a very narrow filter for what you do choose to post. You have taken action to become a high-volume poster in a small community. It’s obvious what your motivations are supposed to be on a surface level, and people are assuming what they are on a deeper/hidden level. Being unwilling to own up to at least the surface level, and saying that you just see random things and republish them, strengthens the assumption of the hidden motive.

                I will be transparent: growing support for the candidates you are taking intentful action to specifically promote will result in an outcome counter to my goals and the goals of many people “left of center”, even far left of center. I believe they are counter to the goals of the “shallow level you” as well. You have certainly heard this many times. So it strengthens the idea that the “hidden you” is the real one.

                Retreating to feigned ignorance or obtuseness doesn’t make the case regarding your motives - it weakens it.

                If you really don’t “get” why your activity has led to comparisons with bad-faith actors who seek to split support for the political left-of-center in the US, then just take it as a given - the response from the community, who has come to know you, should be proof of the probability of that comparison.

                At the same time, when people (such as me) respond to the basis of the article or the political effect of support for the candidates you select to promote, you go on a tangent about “censorship” or a meta-discussion about forum rules, often with a boilerplate response. This also makes you look bad.

                I generally don’t assume people are stupid, and when I assume that you aren’t stupid either, it is easy to start wondering about the seemingly intentionally obtuse behavior.

                As I have, I will continue to push back against support for spoiler candidates. That’s a fair use for this forum - if you go off putting words in my mouth, I will call you out for the bad-faith argument - also a fair use of this forum.

                The other participants here are not stupid either - I would personally stop behaving as though they are.

                • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                  5 months ago

                  The vast majority of what I post in Lemmy is to socialist communities, which is aligned with my interests and values.

                  And I’m fully within my rights to post what I want to this political news community. If you or anyone else doesn’t agree with the content I share, that’s totally fine; I respect your right to your opinion.

                  However, that doesn’t mean I’m going to change what I post simply because it’s not popular or aligned with your political goals. I post what I believe is interesting and worth discussing, regardless of whether it’s well-received by everyone.

                  As for motives, I’m simply sharing articles and political news that I find interesting. As I’ve noted several times. I also posted a disclaimer when I posted the article in an attempt to stave off some of the angrier posters.

                  If that conflicts with the goals of others here, that’s the nature of political discourse.

                  It’s not about being intentionally obtuse or acting in bad faith. I’m here to engage with the content and conversation just like anyone else, and I’m not going to shy away from expressing my views or sharing articles just because they don’t fit neatly into someone else’s political framework.

                  That’s what this forum is for—debate and diverse perspectives.

                  I will continue being myself and posting content that I find interesting and that fits the theme of this political news community. It’s not my role to prove anything to you. I’ve given my opinion. You can accept it or not.

                  If you feel the content is inaccurate, please feel free to contact the news org that created the article. If you feel the articles I’ve posted don’t fit the spirit of this community, feel free to contact the mods.

    • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
      5 months ago

      Tear down the government and what do you get? Billion-dollar corporations with a lengthy history of fucking over laborers

      Well, to be honest, that seems to be exactly what the current duopoly is doing too.

        • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
          5 months ago

          I’m not libertarian, but I personally don’t feel having someone outside the current duopoly would make the government weaker. I respect and support your right to your opinion, I just don’t agree with it.

  • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
    5 months ago

    To save you all some time:

    I posted an article that’s already widely available on a much bigger platform than Lemmy. I didn’t write it or create the content. It’s already out there for anyone to see, so all I did was share it here for discussion. If you disagree with the article itself, that’s fine, but calling for it to be censored or accusing me of pushing an agenda simply because it’s not what you want to read is misguided and lazy. Open debate requires different perspectives, not shutting down content you don’t like.

    It’s not my job to convince you that I’m not a Republican, that I don’t live in Russia, or that despite posting hundreds of socialist articles to the socialist community, I’m somehow not a socialist. If that’s what you want to believe, cool, then go ahead and think that. Not my problem. :)

    If you’re getting worked up over a news article I didn’t even write, that’s on you. Be mad if you want, but I’m under no obligation to prove anything to you. I’ll share my opinion, and you can take it or leave it. Either way, not my problem.

    In the past, when I’ve tried to defend myself, people accuse me of not listening. If I stay quiet, they take it as guilt.

    Here’s the deal: I’m still going to post what I want in this community because what I’m posting fits within the theme and guidelines of this community which celebrates diversity of thought and opinion.

    So, go ahead and expect me to copy and paste this comment into the many, many arguments you’re going to try and start. Whether you believe me or not, I don’t have to prove anything to you. I’ll share my opinion, and you can take it or leave it. Not my problem. :)

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
        -105 months ago

        Take a look at the thread again. Apparently, my disclaimer didn’t work after very well. The comments so far are people throwing baseless accusations at me. lol

        • @[email protected]
          115 months ago

          my disclaimer didn’t work after very well

          Yeah, probably 1,000 other people’s fault that you’re catching flak. Obviously couldn’t be yours.

          • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
            5 months ago

            I’m not sure what that means. But maybe you could focus on the content of the article that I posted. That is what this comment thread is here for. Please remain civil if you would like to interact with me. Thank you!

              • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                5 months ago


                Ok, but it seems really odd that you are in a comment thread about a news article posted, yet you don’t wanna talk about the article. Seems kinda strange to me, but ok…

                • @[email protected]
                  105 months ago

                  The only feedback you’re getting is from people who don’t like what you’re doing. I’m sure they’re all wrong, of course you couldn’t be. Impossible.

        • @AbidanYre
          55 months ago

          No. All your giant screed and persecution complex did was ensure that no one was talking about the article.

          • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
            -115 months ago

            All your giant screed and persecution complex did was ensure that no one was talking about the article.

            Actually, I’ve repeatedly asked people to focus on discussing the content of the articles moving forward. And even put a disclaimer up when I posted the article.

            Some, however, are refusing to refrain from personal attacks. That’s not a persecution complex–that’s simple fact. Feel free to read the posts.

            But I’ll keep asking for people to concentrate on the article posted. Thank you!

      • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
        5 months ago

        No body was in here saying anything?

        Yeah, as a RESULT of me putting the disclaimer. Feel free to check out my post history, friend. PLENTY of people have had a lot to say about me, just because I post an article.

        Hopefully this disclaimer helps people to calm down a bit. EDIT: It didn’t help.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          No your account is brand new and has shit loads of activity for reasons besides people knowing those reasons and calling you on it. Everyone here knows what I’m saying but in a fucked up twist of irony, calling out this behavior is against rules.

          • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
            -155 months ago

            What behavior are you referring to? You mean me posting an article that’s already widely available on a much bigger platform than Lemmy? One that I didn’t write it or create? It’s already out there for anyone to see, so all I did was share it here for discussion. If you disagree with the article itself, that’s fine, but calling for it to be censored or accusing me of pushing an agenda simply because it’s not what you want to read is misguided and lazy. Open debate requires different perspectives, not shutting down content you don’t like.

            • @[email protected]
              5 months ago

              ShUtTiNg DoWn DeBatE

              Those words don’t seem to mean what you think they do. Yet you copy paste them ad nauseum

              • Socialist Mormon SatanistOP
                5 months ago

                ShUtTiNg DoWn DeBatE Those words don’t seem to mean what you think they do.

                They mean exactly what I think they do.

                I don’t write the news, friend. I just post it. You’re typing is still a little off tho with that strange uppercase/lowercase thing you have going on. I do hope you are ok.

                Please contact the news org if you find inaccuracies in the article. Or contact the mods if you feel the article has been posted to the wrong community. Thank you!

                • @[email protected]
                  55 months ago

                  No one cares what you wrote on any news website. And you know that. Now go on about AI girlfriends again. Because that’s a thing.

        • TheHiddenCatboy
          55 months ago

          Eeeyep…and there’s nothing we can do except be ‘civil’ to them.

            • TheHiddenCatboy
              55 months ago

              We all wear different faces and exhibit different behaviours in different places, so I’m not surprised with this. This forum’s moderators protect this user, so the best you can really do is either take the bullet for the team and try to engage them with cold, hard logic, or just downvote and move on. This guy’s trying to get Trump elected. That’s all we need to say.

              • @[email protected]
                65 months ago

                They apparently went a tear one day ranting about losers with AI girlfriends, as though that is a thing period.

                This guy’s trying to get Trump elected.

                No doubt about that.

                • TheHiddenCatboy
                  25 months ago

                  Japan does have a thing going on with AI girlfriends, as well as other alternatives to dating. I’ve also heard that it’s a thing with some in the Nerd community. I can understand why. Relationships are hard. Agreeing to share your life with a chick (or dude) is hard, requires lots of communication skills and some extra dose of humility. I can see why AI dates are more fun. The AI just knows how to string words together in a way dating has been done over history, in a way that doesn’t involve the AI’s hopes and dreams (which they don’t have). I can see plenty of room to look at that and think it’s a bit crazy. Heck, I think that’s a bit strange. Then I shrug and go back to my RL wife and my day to day concerns and let people have their AI BFs or GFs and let it be. I got much more important things in my life to worry about…such as ensuring my wife isn’t ground under the bootheel of oppression because the Dems aren’t doing exactly what some whiny commentor on Lemmy wants them to do.

                  No doubt about that.

                  And this is why we need to work and work hard to ensure that BS like ‘Dems no better than Reps’ gets shut down every time it rears its ugly, stupid head on here (or anywhere else, for that matter).

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            55 months ago

            Being civil and being nice are two completely different things, luckily enough.

      • @MegaUltraChicken
        5 months ago

        So we all get to copy paste a wall of text on every article now? That’s allowed?