consumer-led recession
Yeah, it’s the consumers that are leading the economy, not those underpaying and overcharging said consumers to exist…🙄
Is that expression literally in the article? I don’t know because I hit a huge consent box when I clicked on it, and i just backed out.
It’s the title of the article lol
(I don’t need the rage reading the whole thing would induce, but if it’s in the title, and the sub-header, I assume it’s a key point of the article)
Fair enough
stimulus fueled shopping spree
oh yeah, I’ve been living real high on the hog with that $2000 I got 4 years ago. I definitely didn’t all go to rent and groceries, no sir, I buy a new TV every week, that’s right!
Consumer lead is hilarious. They going to blame us for not making them pay us more next?
Man, economists are just so high on their own farts it’s insane.
Yeah, I don’t have the money I used to have. I make enough to spend, but I don’t trust that jobs will be there, so I just save for the down time. Gotta keep me warm and happy if you want me to feel comfortable not hoarding cash.
I would love to see how the powers that be would react if everyone just stopped buying crap for a week or so.
A consumer strike would be amazing to see.
In December 😈
Ramen was sold out at the ol’ warehouse club store. That is my low-tech economic signal that recession is inbound.
Also, when buying bulk ramen, the number of ramen packs you get is approximately half of what they used to include, for the same price.