I thought I had it in the bag this time, with Swiftness glyph on armor and Ring of Arcana +7 (pretty sure I broke the sound barrier), I was able to use 3 scrolls of Foresight for the entire run from the demon halls to the surface.

For the halls themselves I always conserve 4 magic mapping, I fully explored floors 25 and 26, and on the ascent I left no square uncovered or even blue from revellation. I circled each floor at least once, found several hidden rooms I’d missed on the descent. I definitely fully explored every boss room as well.

  • @Vencedor
    59 days ago

    It’s official, we indeed need 26 scrolls of magic mapping for perfect exploration score. Also, beta 5 is out, just to let ya know

    • @mrsemiOP
      29 days ago

      Cool, installing now

  • @mrsemiOP
    28 days ago

    deleted by creator

    • @mrsemiOP
      18 days ago

      deleted by creator

  • Björn Tantau
    18 days ago

    I think you have to do the exploration before getting the amulet. At least that’s what someone recommended to me a few weeks ago. And it worked. First time I got perfect exploration scores.

    I think it was in a thread where someone was celebrating their perfect score.

    So, keep as many mapping scrolls as possible and turn them into foresight by the end. Since I usually get the Rat King’s crown that’s when I explore almost all the floors. I then explore the demon halls after reaching max level.