From Friends of Roberts Bird Sanctuary

Fabulous video by Jeanette Mayo of Bluejays and a Brown Thrasher scolding a Great Horned Owl in Roberts Bird Sanctuary, July 2024.

An example of mobbing behavior, an uncommon act of different species working together. While the songbirds pose little danger, they can annoy dangerous birds of prey to move on to get some peace and quiet.

  • NickwithaC
    39 days ago

    Owl: I am on a quest for the holy grail

    Jay: we already got one

    • anon6789OP
      39 days ago

      If you will not show us the grail, we will have to take your tree by force!

  • Optional
    29 days ago

    “Yeah, c’mere ya little squirt”

    • anon6789OP
      9 days ago

      It makes me curious what understanding they have that they’re pretty safe from the owl (or hawk, eagle, etc) since any injury can be detrimental to the raptor. It’s much safer to just move along than to risk a fight.

      We take for granted the medical things we have likely all around us, bandaids, antibiotic ointment, up to defibrillators in most businesses nowadays, but the animals are in a warzone every day not able to do a thing about even the smallest scratch. That makes even the littlest guy with a beak or claws someone you don’t want to mess with if you can help it.

      • Optional
        29 days ago

        An excellent point.

        But then, check the guns out on this bad boy…