There are many ways to read the series, obviously, so I am curious as to what are people’s preferred method.
I read them chronologically by publishing date the first time, then once by theme (Watch, Witches, and Moist novels first) and then been reading books here and there kinda randomly (although when I read one Watch novel, I tend to read all of them to the end, plus Raising Steam).
What do others do?
I liked it publishing order. You get all the call backs that way
The first time through, I read them in publishing order, starting with The Colour of Magic. That way, I got to see how it all unfolded in real time, and got to watch Pratchett’s skill grow (and eventually decline).
Since then, I’ve either followed specific characters (Vimes or Granny or Tiffany or Death) or just read whatever caught my attention at the moment.
Chronological, starting with Equal Rites.
I’m following the Discworld Reading Order Guide 3.0 that I found once on wikipedia
I followed an earlier version of this and think it works well.
I am confused by the note saying the author said to start at Sourcery. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Pratchett say to start with Mort and skip Sourcery?
Hum, had never seen that one. I used this one: to figure out where to start but ended up doing chronological anyway.
It is interesting that even Pratchett (GNU Terry Pratchett!) seemed to think the first two were meh considering what came after them.