No guarantee you’ll be going to a better world, though.

VN Source: Evenicle

  • @Essence_of_Meh
    15 months ago

    How is Evenicle? I’ve seen good things about it but didn’t manage to get to it just yet.

    Is it like “play it ASAP” kind of thing or more of a “it’s good but no need to rush”?

    • Not just a clown.OPM
      25 months ago

      It depends on how much free time you have, since it can be a little long. But it’s a great fun all in all. I wouldn’t say it’s a “play it ASAP”, but when you do, there’s no need to rush through it. Have fun playing it, the experience is quite a blast!

      • @Essence_of_Meh
        15 months ago

        Nice, I’ve been in a J/TRPG mood lately so having another one to look forward to is a pleasant news.