Whether it’s music, books, games, tv or movies, if you tune out most of the marketing, how do you go about finding new or old stuff? Word of mouth, new marketing (i.e. influencers/YouTubers), or do you ride the related artists/recommendations on stuff like Spotify/Last.fm/YouTube/Netflix/etc.? Or perhaps something else entirely?

I’m sure it’s a mix for everyone, however I’d love to read of some of the ways that one might not think of to find different new or old media!

    • @Mr_Blott
      62 years ago

      Imperfect? I put in Patrick Lee - The Breach. One of my favourite books, a proper fast-paced sci-fi thriller, and all it suggested was period drama romance novels by Georgette Hayer and Mary Stewart from the 1960s lol

      • @P34C0CK
        32 years ago

        I haven’t tried it for books, but movies seemed to give a decent response.

        It’s community sourced, so literally “members of this site who liked this sci-fi book also liked these romance novels”.

        Imperfect 😁

  • @SinningStromgald
    42 years ago

    We have a few good used book/record stores where I live and I’ll just browse them every now then and find something.

    I’m a very simple person though and if the cover/sleeve/jacket/case has art that grabs me I’m prone to at least inspecting it. Sometimes my ADD will kick in and I’ll randomly remember a book or band or movie that I’ve wanted to check out and go look for it.

    In short: shiny ADD browsing.

  • SeanM
    42 years ago

    I have an entire folder of bookmarks dedicated to sketchy yarr harr matey streaming sites.

  • Sami
    32 years ago

    Mostly word of mouth from communities/people who have somewhat similar tastes. As much as I dislike algorithms controlling most of what you see on the internet, I have them to thank for a lot of music recommendations via youtube.

    Books and games I usually pick up on ‘recommendation’ from someone since they’re longer commitments (someone talking about the game). For music and movies, I also use lists from places like rateyourmusic and imdb so I can get a sense of what that person likes by looking at the stuff I recognize.

  • Potatomache
    22 years ago

    For music I tend to use Spotify’s similar artists feature or have the Youtube rabbit hole take me somewhere new. Sometimes I’ll even find new music from other media; like if I’m reading a fanfic and the author posts the song they were listening to when they wrote it, sometimes I check those out.

    For books, it’s usually word of mouth, and for a games, a mix of that as well as reviews from people and a perusal through Steam Sales. I’m not too big on movies though, I just let my loved ones drag me into what they want to watch and they tend to have good taste. For TV shows, I let spontaneous mood choose for me.

  • FartsWithAnAccent
    2 years ago

    All sorts of ways: Word of mouth, Pandora, YouTube, randomly hearing it somewhere, looking up artists other projects, mixes, radio, etc

    Word of mouth and algorithms are probably top two for me though with hearing it somewhere and looking up artists being next.

  • @[email protected]
    02 years ago

    I mostly get my recommendations from small social media sites, which aren’t (yet) big enough to attract people solely trying to advertise. 🙃

    Even better, if people post their personal labor of love outcomes.