• @[email protected]
    134 days ago

    Guess she forgot she’s a massive football fan today? I know the Eagles aren’t playing but you’d think since her and Shane have become such “massive fans” together and just love watching together so much you’d think she’d been enjoying a Sunday afternoon of football. Nope, just making a porch goose her personality instead.

    • @[email protected]
      83 days ago

      She’s so dumb. REAL Eagles fans hate watched the Dall-ass game today to root for their defeat. 😏

      • @[email protected]
        43 days ago

        My team BLEW Dallas away yesterday and it was amazing. The Saints play the Eagles next week and if they are legit, they should have no problem beating the Eagles. I am praying so hard this happens lol. I wasn’t even on here this weekend cause Mexican shenanigans(it’s our independence day!) , Canelo boxing and football all day yesterday to watch all my fantasy players. It was a nice fun weekend!

  • @[email protected]
    4 days ago

    This woman is TOO much! She’s at a family gathering for her grandpas bday and she’s busy on the phone trying to buy a goddamn goose. She legit can’t stop shopping no matter what.

    Also her sitting stance is so contorted because she knows she’s being filmed. She’s ridiculous. Someone get her help.

    • @[email protected]
      143 days ago

      She’s so selfish she can’t even give her grandfather undivided attention. She’s shallow. I would do anything to have my wonderful grandparents in my life. She makes me absolutely sick.

      • @[email protected]
        113 days ago

        Who even knew she had a grandfather ! Guess he doesn’t figure large in her celebrity life ! Sad.

      • @[email protected]
        113 days ago

        THIS! I’d give anything to spend a beautiful afternoon with my Nana and then there’s Sarah celebrating a 90th bday looking for a goose.

        Unfortunately I feel the whole family enables this behaviour.

      • @[email protected]
        73 days ago

        This is such a good point. My last remaining grandmother died a couple of years ago and I miss her so much. Sarah is incredibly lucky to still have grandparents as she approaches middle age; most of us don’t.

    • @[email protected]
      154 days ago

      This story resulted in me unfollowing her. Her mass consumerism and NEED for more items, only to be forgotten about the next day, is gross and unhealthy.

      • @[email protected]
        114 days ago

        She does this “forgetting” about stupid stuff like geese and watch rings but she also does it for important things like breast heath and creating a charity to send woman to Disney too. She is so shallow.

    • @[email protected]
      124 days ago

      How ignorant and rude. To her grandfather and her mother who hosted. This woman has NO MANNERS or consideration for others… just all about her and her petty needs. Thought she could go no lower, but once again she is reaching the pit of decency.

    • @[email protected]
      4 days ago

      I don’t understand the obsession. Also why does this tool need to have her pathetic performative over consuming ass filmed for this.

      • @[email protected]
        124 days ago

        Seriously I don’t get where this sudden goose obsession came from?? And imagine her making someone else film her on the phone so she could post it, loser behaviour from the whole family.

        • @[email protected]
          134 days ago

          This person will obsess over anything. A sure sign she has way too much idle time on her hands, no real life goals, and needs to actually grow up and live in the real adult world. She lives in an arrested state of development… like a spoiled child

        • @[email protected]
          104 days ago

          I mentioned up above that Briony has the giant skeleton. I’m sure Sarah was having lawn ornament envy and had to do it better than her bestie!

        • @[email protected]
          154 days ago

          She’s just desperate to always hop on whatever’s trending, especially with Gen Z because she so badly wants to teenagers to think she’s cool when she’s just a boring middle aged mom (I say this as a boring 31-year-old mom 🤣). Beetlejuice is huge on TikTok with Gen Z right now, so that’s probably going to be her new personality this month.

          • @[email protected]
            104 days ago

            She tried making it her personality a couple weeks ago when she went to the movie premiere in LA. But she’s forgotten it mostly already.

        • @[email protected]
          94 days ago

          My god cringe. I can already see the video of her showing Shane and he doesn’t care/makes her feel stupid and she’s crying/laughing and making that face

    • @[email protected]
      94 days ago

      Ew. Totally covering everything. Her arms are big again and her stomach looks like it’s usual self. She’s such a fraud.

    • @[email protected]
      74 days ago

      Also, imagine your tight ass belt digging into your belly like this. It makes me uncomfortable seeing it.

    • @[email protected]
      74 days ago

      I shared the same screenshot in the thread below… she posted a cement looking goose yesterday while she was “nostalgia shopping”. Did she not buy it? Does she need more? Does this lady ever obsess over anything she can’t eventually monetize with an affiliate link?

          • @[email protected]
            4 days ago

            How does she not feel like a complete loser posting an affiliate link for this bs 🤣 as if people are remotely interested in buying this.

            • @[email protected]
              124 days ago

              Briony made a cool video with her giant skeleton so Sarah was feeling the envy - I bet this is why the lawn ornament was obsessively on her brain yesterday when she was thrifting. She is such a jealous empty person.

          • @[email protected]
            104 days ago

            For real, I’m so embarrassed. “Update” because people are waiting with bated breath to hear about the useless decoration. Just typing this out I’m embarrassed. Lol

  • @[email protected]
    124 days ago

    Hi! I just joined. Someone sent me the link on Reddit months ago because I used to be a regular on the snark over there, but I never got around to joining because honestly I was just bored of her, and the exploitation of L was too depressing for me. I randomly thought of her yesterday and went to check what she’s up to and discovered that I’ve been blocked 🤣 I can’t think why because I never interact with her; I do follow Janette Ewen but I also haven’t interacted on her page much either 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @[email protected]
      94 days ago

      Welcome home! Also welcome to the “forever blocked” club. You are in great company. Don’t take it personally, happened to the best of us 😉

      • @[email protected]
        64 days ago

        Ha I didn’t take it personally at all, just confused as to why! I’m blessed to now be blocked by her, Jillian Harris and Alicia McCarvell; the trifecta of annoying Canadian influencers 😌

  • @[email protected]
    175 days ago

    Does Sarah do anything besides shop? There was a hilarious comments on a post where some woman thanked her for posting about thrifting and helping to save the planet. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I find it sad that she’s passing her dull life on to her kids. There are so many activities they could do together as a family, that many can’t afford, instead of just buying crap.

    • @[email protected]
      114 days ago

      Seriously, she was just at the mall Friday with Lemon and was back out shopping again Saturday 🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s all she ever does with those kids! Go to a cute nearby town and walk, go apple picking, go to a market, etc. There’s so many things to do close by and all they do is go shopping. She’s so boring.

      • @[email protected]M
        74 days ago

        I remember last year they would load up the kids and then run into a fair for a photo op and be out of there within 15 - 20 minutes.

        • @[email protected]
          74 days ago

          Yes I remember that! So ridiculous. Then next thing you know, she’s at the Michael’s and home sense.

    • @[email protected]
      135 days ago

      Yes and for every thrift purchase she makes , she otherwise purchases 10-20 fast cheap throw away fast fashion purchases. She purchases mass produced off shore sweat shop merchandise on the daily and wears or uses it once

      • @[email protected]M
        54 days ago

        She doesn’t just purchase that crap - she collaborates and puts her name on it in the hopes more people buy it! I can’t believe someone is saying this woman is saving the planet!

  • @[email protected]
    147 days ago

    Holy shit she is soooooo insecure here, it’s hard to watch. Maybe she should’ve wore a dress she’s more comfortable in to be filmed and photographed?

    • @[email protected]
      197 days ago

      Holy shit. At this point why even take the video? Feet 4 ft apart. Sucking it in, tugging and pulling on clothes. This actually is one of the only times I feel actually bad for her. How are you so financially successful, married with 4 beautiful children, almost 40 and still pulling at your clothes pretending to be confident? Just wear things that don’t make you feel this way? I don’t get it.

      • @[email protected]
        136 days ago

        And to think she promotes body confidence and wants us to feel comfortable in our skin and our clothes and she’s doing this on camera? She couldn’t be less confident in herself and I’m meant to listen to her preaching about body confidence? She’s so terrible for the body confidence community.

  • @[email protected]
    197 days ago

    And somehow she has now reached 2.5 million and it upsets me so much because there’s people obsessed with her and she doesn’t use her page to amplify anything important. And that’s on top of how much she gaslights people by fully altering her videos and photos. 😩🤢

    • olivesandpoppies
      167 days ago

      This is why I joined this- She was not speaking up for women’s reproductive care, she wasn’t speaking up for trans kids, she wasn’t speaking up for Palestinian kids being wiped off the face of the Earth. She also post her minor children without consent, at least informed consent. It’s just funny how many people stay in her circle because they know they could benefit from her financially. I would never wanna be associated with someone who benefited me financially, yet did nothing to actually make use of a platform. All her friends are just gonna keep quitting. They’re meaningful jobs that actually make a difference in the world to push shitty high waste products. She’ll just keep traveling and increasing her carbon footprint. Honestly, my kid who is like 30 years her Junior has done more to make positive impact. We don’t need another white bleach, blonde, heavily, edited, wealthy woman, influence of anybody.

    • @[email protected]
      7 days ago

      On instanavigation she’s not quite there yet but will be tomorrow … if you look at her buying pattern… three days flat, buy, three days flat, buy., etc, etc. This pattern is very suspect! No brains to even mix it up to make it look a bit more genuine. ETA I may be wrong with the numbers as Instanavigation may be lagging on updating.

    • @[email protected]
      167 days ago

      Not a single thing that it’s important! She performatively features teacher help and help for mothers so irregularly and occasionally, it can hardly even be associated with her. She could do any number of things that helped literally anyone. But there’s not a single thing. It’s gross.

    • @[email protected]
      157 days ago

      I doubt those followers are real. She has no followers on X. No one watches videos she’s in. Or her TV segments. The only articles about her are paid for.

  • @[email protected]
    197 days ago

    She’s so boring there’s nothing to snark on but I’ll try lol she’s so tone deaf talking about how during the pandemic the WFH outfits were so cute and then She had to put on pants again. WTF. Doesn’t she always work from home?! There’s people that were dying and working endlessly. I stayed home, with no income. My husband was essential (in a non medical way) and his job was not able to be done at home. I hate her.

    • @[email protected]
      127 days ago

      Legit jumping through every single hoop lol.

      Must be nice to have such issues like should I purchase the $600 bag or not.

      • @[email protected]
        187 days ago

        She’s so tacky. Buy your expensive purse and move on. Why tell anyone? I have an expensive gym shoe habit (Not that expensive but expensive for me). I don’t post on IG when I get some. I don’t tell anyone. I put on my shoes and keep it pushing.

        • @[email protected]
          177 days ago

          People with self confidence and a bit of class/manners do not brag and flaunt their expensive purchases, only the insecure, needy wannabes would do that.

        • @[email protected]
          177 days ago

          The fact she actually bought it and it wasn’t gifted to her is the most shocking part. But I totally agree! She loves to brag whether it’s stuff she was given for free or something she bought, it’s just brag brag brag all the time.

        • @[email protected]
          167 days ago

          She just has to let everyone know she got the bag that is going viral on TT. I wonder if Coach is going to send her a bunch of free shit now to thank her privileged ass.

  • @[email protected]
    167 days ago

    Oh god her stupid little car story. She really does love to act like being that stupid is so cute and funny. Oh that Sarah Landry, what a silly girlie being so dumb! How do people like this woman???

      • @[email protected]
        127 days ago

        I wish it did. The car dealership could prob see this idiot coming a mile away “what did this moron do now” and she prob acted all cutesy and dumb while there.

        Woof her face there. She looks old.

          • @[email protected]
            117 days ago

            How do her followers not question how much her body and face change in a matter of hours? She really has no shame, either.

          • @[email protected]
            7 days ago

            Aside from how embarrassing that reel was, this FUCKED WITH MY HEAD!!! She needs to stop this. It makes me so mad.

            If Shane walked by in this video, he def would’ve shrunk.

            • @[email protected]
              137 days ago

              Her TV and doorframe are looking mighty wavy 🧐 but aside from that, i agree. Fucked with my head too. I had to remind myself she’s the one on the way to being a melted ice cream cone. Giving her the benefit of a doubt that she’s losing weight (personally I don’t think it’s much and it’s filters), sudden weight loss at her age with no strength training will do that to you. I was on a GLP-1 a few months back, and I started losing weight, but eventually, the sag came in HARD. I got off it and upped my strength training. Now I’m in the best shape of my life, and my husband said it’s the most fit I’ve ever looked. I’m 39.

                • @[email protected]
                  107 days ago

                  Thank you, honestly! I really appreciate it. I’m in therapy for disordered eating and some body dismorphia. I’ve come a long way, but I’m fortunate to have the resources to be able to. I’ll never take for granted that I can afford therapy, healthy food, and a gym membership. I struggled for years when I couldn’t. I didn’t realize it then, but she was a part of that struggle. That’s why she makes me so mad.

                • @[email protected]
                  67 days ago

                  Thank you from the very bottom of my heart!! I really appreciate it. I wish I could tag you in the other comment I made cause my point stands either way. Regardless, I appreciate this community so much!!

  • @[email protected]M
    147 days ago

    She is so boring! The Landry’s seem to have decided to showcase their young daughter’s face again since there is absolutely nothing going on. The child had to perform for her mother’s IG followers so she had some content.

      • olivesandpoppies
        117 days ago

        It’s abuse. Nobody in her circle or family speaking up for the sake of a child and it’s pretty disgusting. Every child deserves to have their privacy and their childhood protected.

        • @LaLa8
          117 days ago

          I actually have some respect for that neighbour woman that we have no idea what her kids look like but she loses some of that respect in that she doesn’t speak up for L and tell Sarah what a danger she is to that young girl. If you have 2.5 million people watching you, statistically there’s got be a fair few nutters amongst that lot. Suppose she needs to ride the Landry coattails otherwise no one would be watching her acclimatise crap.

          • olivesandpoppies
            86 days ago

            I used to like neighbour (for the first few months?) but I blocked her when my cousin dmd her concerned for L, and neughbour said she will never blame parents who film and post their kids because it’s the gross people we should worry about, not that the kids get posted (she was defending S, and her “right” to post her minor kids). Respect from me was gone right when she told me and showed me the dm. Of course it’s the gross people that we have to worry about , but if kids are not posted online, then that won’t happen. And also neighbour has posted stuff with L. And she also always boasted to “stay off of my page if you don’t want to protect trans kids/don’t support abortion”, but S never says anything about protecting trans kids or abortion. She also in the past said, that people with platforms should be saying some thing and people who stay silent are in the wrong. But what about SNL? Would she have stayed friends with S if there was nothing to gain financially? Probably not. Money and “small fame” ruins everyone and skews our morals. I always HOPE that people in the circle and especially SNL will snap out if it because no kid deserves this- but neighbour and those around her should know better and advocate for the kid. Would they lose their hello fresh and whatever brand deals they push? Likely. But a kid would be safer. I did used to feel the same way that you did too about neighbour though, so I get it.