What’d y’all think of the debate?
Kamala won and is the better candidate
Funny how my post is getting downvoted for just asking what people thought 🤣 big mad energy.
its a good sign ;)
Honestly surprised at how toned down his supporters are lately. Even in my own extended family etc.
Normally they would have been all over the place with his defeat, making excuses etc.
Now it’s sort of silent. Unless it’s just me not being on social media anymore, that could be it.
Its what happens after a defeat, we see it in failed workers movements where humiliation shuts them down for a long time. Another strong man will take trumps place and we’ll see the same cycle again though…
Well hopefully not the same level of insanity and unmasked, unapologetic public bigotry and racism… but… yeah.
People routinely downvote every thing in this sub. It’s a hobby
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I ask myself the same thing
Lol @ how you got down voted
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Not a single major poll shows a tossup, but you’re entitled to your outlier opinion
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Your claim.
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So you can’t. Got it.
Kinda weird how sometimes he was debating the moderators instead of Harris. Of course, only fact checking Trump was expected.
But all in all, both are shit choices.
It seems like a compromise could have been that he not lie claiming immigrants are eating dogs and doctors are killing babies after birth.
*Doctors are letting babies who survived abortions die after birth.
You guys are really slamming back the Kool-Aid.
Providing proof that an incident happened, multiple times, is drinking kool-aid? Sounds more like someone had their head in the sand and would rather ignore these disturbing acts.
Reading a Heritage Foundation propaganda outlet and uncritically believing everything in it is drinking Kool-Aid, yes. “Disturbing acts” like proving an unviable fetus with the same terminal care a human would receive, oh no.
It is unconscionable that regressives want to use unwilling women for medical equipment or prevent willing women with unviable fetuses from receiving lifesaving medical care. Those are the disturbing acts.
Reading a Heritage Foundation propaganda outlet and uncritically believing everything in it is drinking Kool-Aid, yes.
Are you disputing the Minnesota Department of Health report?
“Disturbing acts” like proving an unviable fetus with the same terminal care a human would receive, oh no.
Strange you seemed to miss the reports that showed some babies were left to die with no care.
I’m disputing Daily Signal, no point in reading it. If you have MDH reports you could link that directly.
“Babies,” “left to die,” with “no care.” Kool-Aid.
Meanwhile you want policies to force unwilling people into slavery carrying a fetus. That’s pretty rape-y, but your leader is a rapist, so no surprise there.
What is surprising is you are whining about being left to die with no care but fully supporting people who want to give birth instead bleeding out because they are refused medical care.
we can fact check Harris, i mean if Harris made any bold lies we could then say it was unfair?
and considering the stupidity of that lie about eating pets and how he got it from tv should we leave it up there to be perpetuated. anyway i will leave you with something from our conservative hero, facts dont care about your feelings :Pdeleted by creator
can you list a few lies in the debate from Harris? not that i don’t believe you. just haven’t followed her enough to scrutinize.
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Well if we allow for “Donald Trump” to also include his businesses, which he proudly indicates he has direct leadership in…
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The statement is true, per the specifications I allowed. I never indicated any value assessment as you focused on. That’s not the point
Edit, to address the goalpost move: as a DA she certainly would have been in charge of staffing an office and had many humans in jobs. More than zero. So that’s not true
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it came off to me that her opinion had changed on fracking, being a politician in America is not won through honesty. inverters must see you as profitable, money is in oil. i have heard Donaald has filed bankruptcy i had to make sure and looked it up i’d like to see your source on this.
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For a politician to take the stance of anti fracking would be political suicide. Thanks to Republicans money is speech , its become an incestuous game.
Would you say Harris’s lie is as bold as trumps? One is splitting hairs the other is a fairy tail that is made to create division.
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