Andrew McCabe says Trump-Putin interactions ‘raise questions’, as Harris says Putin would eat Trump ‘for lunch’

    • @vegeta
      75 months ago

      He’s facing the wrong way and he would be lower, puckering at Putin’s personal ‘mic’.

  • @chemical_cutthroat
    565 months ago

    Just for shits and giggles, let’s say he is, and the absolute fact of it comes to light. Then what? Is that war on Russia? They infiltrated the highest office of our country and attempted to overthrow the government. That’s war, right? You can’t just sanction that away.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      To be perfectly blunt: yes, but not “war” in the traditional sense as most think about it.

      It’s war in the sense that Russia is currently waging against the US and the EU, which is a much broader context than traditional military conflict. So: NSA, CIA, FBI, MI5, MI6, DGSE (France), AW (Poland), (n.b. Germany conspicuously absent, as they’ve allowed an LOT of Russian influence to get into their institutions in a LOT of places, and that is going to take a while to root out) etc. take the gloves off, as the FSB has been doing for literal decades. If they want to fuck around and pull the “little green men” bullshit on NATO territory, help them find out what happens by responding to any incursions of that variety with a division or six of armored cav lined up on the borders. Massive increases in air defense; likewise for marine and submarine threats - specifically, figuring out and catching up to very interesting and surprisingly capable non-acoustic submarine detection and tracking technologies that the Soviets devised later in the Cold War, and that the Russians continue to use and refine.

      More simply: this is the Cold War 2, right now, today. We’re in it. We need to fucking act like it.

      • Optional
        55 months ago

        Info Wars.

        Yeah, I know. It’s annoying that anything about that is right.

    • @fluxion
      115 months ago

      Let’s start with booting them out of Ukraine so they don’t obtain more power and resources to continue spreading this fuckery and enabling their war machine. Should be doing it anyway.

    • billwashere
      85 months ago

      Even if he came right out and admitted it on national television there is not a damn thing that would happen. All the republicans would try to justify that’s it fine and not a big deal, 40% of the population would welcome our new Russian overlords, and nobody in the DOJ wouldn’t be bothered to actually prosecute anything. I have lost all faith in this country to hold anyone accountable for anything.

    • Optional
      75 months ago

      Why don’t we start with the guy who orchestrated a coup attempt? From there to his organization that perpetrated it.

      Then we start undoing all the judicial appointments. russia’s not going anywhere but down anyway. They’ll wait.

    • Diva (she/her)
      5 months ago

      They infiltrated the highest office of our country and attempted to overthrow the government. That’s war, right?

      considering how many times we’ve actually overthrown peoples governments to our own ends, turnabout would just be fair play - least we better hope it’s not something people will go to war over because there’s a long list of potential enemies

      • @[email protected]
        95 months ago

        By no means do I want to diminish the historical wrongheadedness of the US, but using that as a justification for letting Russia just have at it without any response is just categorically asinine.

        We’re already in the Second Cold War. It’s here now.

        • Diva (she/her)
          -35 months ago

          Part of not being blind to your own jingoism is understanding how your actions affect others- I’m not saying that it’s OK to coup or attempt to undermine governments with media operations, I’m saying that if we’re going to act like this is suddenly some sort of mortal sin after decades of doing that ourselves, people aren’t going to take it seriously. It’s certainly not going to make outside observers think that we’re a reasonable actor who’s simply under attack by authoritarians. Purely for riling up the base.

  • @[email protected]
    -205 months ago

    Isn’t quite naive to believe that a government that can barely arm his men and defend its borders can install a puppet president in the country that spend more money in warfare than anyone else in the planet and in history? Don’t fall for the propaganda, red and blue work as a single party and wage war to everyone that doesn’t align with them.

    • @Feathercrown
      135 months ago

      Russian bot probability: 10x average

      • @[email protected]
        -135 months ago

        If we go by probability, given that the US spend way more money than russia in technological warfare, there’s more chance i’m an american bot.

  • @twistypencil
    -235 months ago

    That hasn’t been a reason the US has used in the past…