The Democratic and Green party candidates each command close to a third of the Muslim-American vote

  • @givesomefucks
    54 months ago

    While I agree the easiest path to a Dem victory is taking the common sense stance of “we won’t support genocide” the math in this article seems a little off:

    In a survey conducted over two days in late August, 1,076 registered voters from around the country pitched in with their preferences – and despite the widespread anger directed toward the Biden administration and Democrats for bankrolling Israel’s year-long war on Gaza, 29.4 percent of respondents said they will still vote for the party.

    But hot on Harris’ heels, 29.1 percent said they will vote for Stein, who has controversially said that what is happening in Gaza “makes any genocide pale by comparison” and has made ending the war a key pillar of her party platform.

    29.4% is slightly better than 29.1%