I’ve had my platinum pass for Seaworld parks for 11 months now, it was my first time having a non Cedar Fair or Six Flags pass. Since I’ve lived 25 minutes from Williamsburg I figured it was the time to try, especially since almost everybody I know has a pass.

First, cost. My platinum pass was over $400. I have never paid this much for a pass before, and to rub salt in the wound, I could’ve gotten the same pass for only $200 if I didn’t live in Virginia (or any other state with a Seaworld park) by purchasing the San Antonio platinum pass. Having the same pass (with some differing benefits) for such a difference in price depending on location is insane.

Now, I will say that there have been a lot of benefits that I have been able to take advantage of with this pass. My 6 free tickets became easily over 10 if you count the platinum bonus tickets or the extra Water Country USA tickets, nobody else in my family needed a pass and we were able to go together or with friends multiple times. There were also double discounts on food and drinks, $10 “Busch bucks”, extra discounts on specific stores, and other free things that could be redeemed during your visit. Most of these were once a month benefits. There’s also a one time fast pass per trip, but I honestly never used it.

However, redemption of the pass perks is difficult. First you either need to wait in line at a kiosk or at guest services for them to print out individual cards. These cannot be reprinted, so if you lose one or don’t redeem it and forget to bring it back, you’re out of luck. Then, employees are unable to make all the discounts work appropriately. I think only once was I able to get both my platinum pass discount and whatever extra discount was on the card. Every other time after examining the receipt something didn’t come off correctly. I’m not sure how their computers are set up or their employees are training but something isn’t right.

The park map and the app is confusing. Most parks I can take a lap around and have a general idea of at least where all the big rides are. Here I felt like I hit so many dead ends and main paths that look like they lead nowhere. The map on the app does not allow rotating and as soon as you toggle something “on” giant labels take up so much of the screen space. The app itself also offers no filtering. You can see an alphabetical list of rides. You cannot filter by height requirements, type of ride, wait time, or anything else. The picture that is shown of the ride is usually not very helpful in determining what type of ride it is either.

Ride operations are honestly not too bad. They’re not the most efficient I’ve seen but I have also seen much, much worse. During busier times they also have single rider lines available at Griffon, Alpengeist, and Apollo’s Chariot (though honestly the lines never seem that long anyway). It’s important to note that the entire park doesn’t always open when the park does, which is something I’ve mostly seen at SeaWorld parks. I was planning on hitting Loch Ness Monster and then DarKoaster, only to find that all paths to get to DarKoaster were blocked off.

The coaster lineup is decent, and is definitely worth the trip if you’ve never been. There’s some good credits. You’ve got your Arrow looper, launch coaster, dive coaster, inverted coaster, indoor coaster, and your B&M hyper. Verbolten is also a fun experience.

My conclusion is that Busch Gardens Williamsburg is a perfectly fine park, but is overpriced when compared to others, especially if your reason for visiting is thrill rides. I will not be renewing my pass, opting instead for Cedar Fair passports for this next year. (My toddler is almost 36” and wants “baby rollercoasters” in the worst way, and the Busch Gardens kiddie coaster is 38”). My biggest reason in the future for getting a SeaWorld pass again would be the convenient location and the number of friends that have passes. For just me, I’ll pass (no pun intended).

  • @Blue_Morpho
    26 months ago

    Could you explain your pass? You said $400 but got 10 free tickets. That’s $40 a person?

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      You get the pass for you, to which you get unlimited visits. As a peek of having the pass, you get additional single day park passes you can cash in using the kiosks. I’ve got lower tier pass, so I only get 6 instead of 10, but I’ve been able to bring friends and family a few times using those passes instead of them having to pay to get in the park.

  • @jqubed
    16 months ago

    If you were only planning to visit the Williamsburg parks was there any real benefit to a pass to all Sea World parks? Or do they not offer a similar benefit at lower price for just Busch Gardens/Water Country?

    • @[email protected]OP
      26 months ago

      I went to Busch Gardens Tampa once, SeaWorld Orlando twice, and Aquatica in Orlando once. I was planning on going to SeaWorld in San Antonio (cancelled by hurricane) and Sesame Place (cancelled by too much other unexpected travel). Most of the people who live around here have a lower tier pass, which offers different benefits.

  • Bob K MertzM
    16 months ago

    Here’s the point that I was done with any passes from SeaWorld/United Parks:

    Prior to 2020 everyone with a Platinum pass had their own parking lot and could use the employee entrance to access it (and avoid the line at the main gates). When Covid arrived they told us they had to remove that benefit temporarily because the alternate access impeded screening… That was reasonable. Two weeks later that lot reopened as the premium parking option at the main gate and all of us pass holders were welcomed to purchase parking tickets to use that lot… The same lot that our current membership gave us free access to. It also confirmed that they used Covid as a false excuse to take this benefit away and by giving the same thing to purchasing customers they clearly showed there was NO legitimate reason for them to remove that benefit from us.

    Following that they later changed tiers in the middle of pass ownership taking many other benefits away and then they kept enticing us to renew our passes so we could ride Pantheon when it opens in 2021… 2022…

    And I was done. They did send me the free ticket so I could ride Pantheon when it opened… I paid my $40 parking fee and went straight to pantheon which was down and not declared as being down on the board at the entrance to the park. That day every single coaster was down at some point with many being down all day. I talked to guest services who took my information and said they would send me another ticket… That never happened.

    They have a really long walk to get me to even consider a pass again. The truth is, I just don’t have much interest in going there at all. I’ve had so many horrible experiences in the last 5 years that being in the park has just been associated with misery.

    I hope they can turn it around though… The parks have so much potential.