CLINICAL INDICATION/HISTORY: Scrotal hematoma, follow-up examination, status post urethral reconstruction 8/27/2024

COMPARISON: Testicular ultrasound 9/1/2024

TECHNIQUE: Real-time two-dimensional gray scale, limited spectral/color Doppler interrogation of the scrotal contents was performed.


Right testicle- Morphology: Normal size and homogeneous echotexture Size: 4.5 x 2.5 x 3.9 m Vascular evaluation: Spectral and color Doppler analysis confirms unremarkable arteriovenous waveform morphology and preserved vascularity. Epididymis: Unremarkable Hydrocele: Small right-sided hydrocele with thin internal septation and small amount of echogenic debris. Varicocele: None

Left testicle- Morphology: Normal size and homogeneous echotexture Size: 4.1 x 2.1 x 3.5 cm Vascular evaluation: Spectral and color Doppler analysis confirms unremarkable arteriovenous waveform morphology and preserved vascularity. Epididymis: The left epididymal body displays increased vascular flow. Hydrocele: Small hydrocele. Varicocele: None

    • @LetsdothisOP
      05 months ago

      From my understanding, most people have one larger than the other.

  • OtterM
    15 months ago

    Hi, could you add a comment for why this post is interesting/ relevant for others?

  • @LetsdothisOP
    05 months ago

    Of course. I had a medical device called an Artificial Urethra Sphincter implanted in me in February 2015. The device started to malfunction. For years, I suffered from neuropathy (the cuff eating away at my Urethra.). So they finally removed the device, and I have a catheter now. After a couple of months of healing, I will get another device installed in my groin. I have a bag full of piss strapped to my thigh right now.

    I’d never gotten an ultrasound on my balls before, it was very interesting. So many people get to see my package right now. The surgical area is my groin. They nearly completely shaved me for surgery.so many Dr’s. And nurses poking at my private parts. My junk was bruised black and blue so bad. Haha. I pictures if you want to see. This is medically interesting, no trolling.

    • @LetsdothisOP
      15 months ago

      (The device was a button in my testicle I had to push every time I needed to pee. Because I was incontinent, I couldnt hold my urine.)

    • @LetsdothisOP
      15 months ago

      (I had this ultrasound procedure because I had a hematoma and severe swelling)