• @njm1314
    32 days ago

    It’s not really shocking at all though…

    • Socialist BerserkerOPM
      -12 days ago

      I think both major parties are increasingly using divisive rhetoric, and it’s only fueling radicalization on both sides. You can see it in the way some people just can’t let go of their hostility.

      Even on Lemmy, I’ve experienced some pretty intense hate just for sharing third-party news articles, which feels way over the top.

      The world’s just going off the rails, man. lol

      • @njm1314
        -11 day ago

        Judging from our other interaction I don’t think you have any place saying people use divisive rhetoric. Or that they can’t let go of their hostility.

        • Socialist BerserkerOPM
          11 day ago

          I don’t think you have any place saying people use divisive rhetoric. Or that they can’t let go of their hostility.

          Yeah? So what divisive rhetoric have I used? Because i called names daily, and haven’t reverted to calling names. And I get accused of being russian daily. The only thing I have said is how I personally vote or view things. Do you think that’s divisive?

          Any samples of something I said that you view as divisive rhetoric. I mean, usually after several comments with the same poster calling me the same names, I’ll switch to “I don’t care” or “I don’t have to explain anything to you” but I don’t really see that as divisive.

          Do do you think people calling me names and accusing me of being a russian agent is divisive? Because if you haven’t seen that happening I can post a LOT of samples of people doing that to me.

          • @njm1314
            1 day ago

            You ever think people accuse you of that cuz you’re making it very clear you are? But no I guess you’re just asking questions right? That’s all you do ask questions huh? Never give answers though right? People ask you a question and it’s I don’t care I don’t have to explain myself? That’s really convenient isn’t it? Asking questions but not wanting answers huh? Somehow doubt your sincerity. This entire comment showed your hostility so don’t think you’re better than anybody else.

            Your tactics are trite and easy to see through.

            • Socialist BerserkerOPM
              11 day ago

              What are you going on about!? Lol dude, I don’t care what you think. At all. Calm down lol

              What part of my comment showed hostility!? Bro, u need to go outside or something :)