I heard from my boss that on Czech FB brewing group was discussion about US-05 from Fermentis.

Someone had issues with them, even commercial brewerys. We had to throw out 2 batches of IPA so it was probably because of that - same flaw both times.

So it got me thinking if it is only local issue or if it is more wide spread.

      • @JamesNZ
        36 months ago

        So are you saying I can stop blaming my shitty brewing methods and start blaming the yeast! I like it.

        • @[email protected]OPM
          26 months ago

          I swear that after first bad batch, we disinfected everything and still the next batch was bad.

          And after hearing that more people had problems with it (off taste) it looks like it may not be our fault.

  • Recreational Placebos
    46 months ago

    I’ve never had any issues with it, but I haven’t brewed anything this year due to lack of free time, so maybe/hopefully just a bad batch from SafAle?