Today’s game is Fallout New Vegas. I completed the Gala event right before I stopped for today (it took almost an extra hour because I soft locked somehow right before dropping God off). After setting it off I looked down into the courtyard and saw how many of the ghost people I’d have to fight. I’m dreading that. Tomorrow I hope to either complete the DLC or get close to it.

    • thermal_shock
      6 months ago

      I’m not OP, but NV is the best storyline in my opinion. the bugs are off the charts bad, I cant get out of goodsprings now without it locking up, so I can’t play. tried mods, memory fix, etc. gave up. but by far the best. left for dead, go seek revenge or go gamble your life away elsewhere.

      • Coelacanth
        26 months ago

        I was hoping for his thoughts on Dead Money specifically, but I agree New Vegas has a great storyline.

        It’s strange you haven’t been able to get it to work though, there are lots of stability and performance mods out there by now that combine to make the game fairly stable. The Viva New Vegas guide is a good place to start if you need direction.

        • @[email protected]
          6 months ago

          Not OP, but Dead Money story is at least semi interesting. I didn’t have a hard time with the DLC due to my character being overpowered in Fallout 3, and going through most of the main story before splitting off into the New Vegas DLCs.

          For both of you, I recommend a playthrough of Tale of Two Wastelands as it incorporates Fallout 3 into New Vegas’ better engine, and allows you to carry over your character from either or to the next game. By this, I mean you can even start New Vegas first, and then head to the Capital Wasteland. It makes more sense to do Fallout 3 first though, with the whole birthing scene in the very beginning of the game. :)

          • Coelacanth
            06 months ago

            I’m well aware of TTW, and I’m happy it exists for those who want it. I personally have no interest in Fallout 3.

        • thermal_shock
          26 months ago

          yeah, I’ll probably try again. I gave up when 7d2d updated to 1.0

    • MyNameIsAtticusOP
      76 months ago

      I’m enjoying Dead Money so far. I’m not having much of a challenge with the Ghost people, I either slash them with a knife or shoot them and they explode. So I’m thinking I might be a little too over leveled for it. Despite that I’m having fun exploring the villa and despite knowing I can easily take a ghost person in a fight, it still spooks me every time I see one. I’m a sucker for themes in my stories too and I like the theming of the DLC too (letting go, greed, and all of that stuff). It’s fun seeing different things embody that. .

      • Coelacanth
        56 months ago

        The themes are great and I really enjoyed the atmosphere. There are parts of the gameplay I don’t like as much (and a bit too much backtracking through samey environmens), but I think it’s really cool how bold they went with how it plays completely differently from the whole rest of the game.