• @iAvicenna
    419 hours ago

    looks like a scene from the movie gremlins

  • @FarFarAway
    161 day ago

    Ohhh nooooo! That’s not funny! Well, maybe for the dog.

    But, that really sucks for the tech.

  • Destide
    472 days ago

    Small dogs are always the worst trained I come across

    • @[email protected]
      419 hours ago

      I once had to look after a friend’s german shepard, and while we were out for a walk, some barking guinea pig suddenly decided to unleash all its fury on my friend’s dog; even tried to bite the poor guy.

      Luckily, my friend’s dog is an absolute sweetheart and just tried to flee, almost knocking me over.

      Meanwhile, the owner of that showbox-sized spawn of hell decided it was best practice to go “Nununu, we don’t do that, Nununu.” in a high-pitched voice, while petting the damn thing.

      Sure. That’ll teach it.

    • @[email protected]
      81 day ago

      You wanna know why its so common with small dogs?

      Its because most times whenever they are doing something bad they get picked up and removed from this situation by their owner. An owner who also probably picks them up to praise them and someone they like getting held by.

      So now everytime the dog does something bad they get picked up which to them is praise.

      And thats why so many little dogs are horribly trained.

      • @[email protected]
        320 hours ago

        I think it’s also because you don’t really need to train the dog to behave on its own when you can just physically overpower it if ever misbehaves. Nothing against small dogs (love them), but you need to stop yourself from just forcing them into whatever you want them to do, it they’ll never “get it” and never feel like a member of the pack/family.

      • @TriflingToad
        321 hours ago

        also some of them don’t like being picked up, so picking up for praise is annoying to them

    • @Jiggle_Physics
      92 days ago

      yeah, people think that since they are so small, they aren’t gonna maul someone, so they put behavioral training on a back burner

    • @[email protected]
      2 days ago

      That pupper needs proper restraining, and not by its human.

      Even the best trained dogs don’t respond well to being jabbed/poked/prodded (and this is not how you trim toenails, you get them down on a table or on your lap).

      Source: frequently assisted a vet friend when techs were unavailable, it’s a very rare animal that will tolerate being jabbed, having blood drawn, even just being shaved for an IV. (Actually I’ve never seen it, unless they were mortally ill).

      It’s unfamiliar to them, so they react by protecting themselves.

      (Edit: this dog, like 98% of them, are poorly socialized/trained in general, which I find very frustrating. People are lazy, complacent shits when it comes to learning about dogs before they get one. And most can’t be bothered to do the work required).

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppetM
        2 days ago

        We’ve associated nail trimming with positive rewards since our 5 month old puppy was around 8 weeks old, so he’s pretty chill about it. He’ll let you trim 3 feet without any issues. On the 4th foot he’s pretty much done with our shit and starts pulling away, but he does let us do it. We just put him on a special table that is used for grooming him, and he sits there and lets us do his nails. He’s also pretty ambivalent to shots, but again, we’ve always done everything we can to make these positive experiences for him, with lots of treats and praise. Brushing his teeth is equally as chill. It usually comes down to exposing the pupper to these things at a young age and making it an overall positive experience. He also went through a professional puppy socialization class for 6 weeks, to make sure he’s cool with people and other dogs, since he’s going to be a large and powerful dog when he’s fully grown. He goes into advanced obedience training class in 2 weeks!

      • @[email protected]
        31 day ago

        Yeah man. Dogs are work.

        I love dogs, but won’t get my own because I know it’s like having a whole other job that you can’t slack off at.

      • The Pantser
        42 days ago

        Meanwhile my lab will ask for his ears cleaned and butt squeezes. He will point at his butt and then look at us and then do that over and over until we ask if that’s what he wants and then prance around because we got it right. As for ears he will shake his head and then go nose the bottle of ear cleaner. Nails is another story, he won’t ask but when we do it he falls asleep.

  • @Hikermick
    42 days ago

    Don’t you know better than to feed them after midnight?

  • AmidFuror
    12 days ago

    So I’m the only one who thought the dog was a hand puppet from its frizziness and movement? Probably from viewing on small screen.