• @[email protected]
    132 hours ago

    I’m often [email protected] with a name of admin admin, a birth date of 01/01/1970 a phone number of 4041234567 and address of 123 main street anytown, USA

    And then if they expect me to retrieve info from said email or phone number I simply move on

  • @[email protected]
    254 hours ago

    I went to a restaurant recently that asked me to pay my bill with the QR code on the tablet. Scanned it, and the first thing it did was ask for my phone number to verify my “account” by sending me a code.

    The server didn’t understand that I wasn’t going to do that, and they needed to run my credit card like normal or I wasn’t paying.

    • @DillyDaily
      41 hour ago

      That’s why in some ways I don’t mind that my country still pays for mobile data, because I just don’t even bother at restaurants anymore “oh, I’ve run out of data, I can’t scan that, here’s my money”

      Because of how severely covid lock downs hit our state, every single restaurant I’ve been to in the last 5 years has used a QR code to order and pay.

      I have allergies, so this means I mostly just order black coffee when it’s QR only.

      I’m not giving you all of my personal details for an overpriced $5 black coffee. The result is that I sit there with my friends, fiddling my thumbs, not buying anything.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    3 hours ago

    That’s when I use the oldest human invention: LYING.

    Fake email, fake address, tell them I make more than the highest option they give for the income, make up the entirely unique gender of squorp, etc.

  • @AFaithfulNihilist
    53 hours ago

    You can save different identities using one password and then every time you sit down at your computer you can just make up new details for those identities in one password so that when you go to the mall, You’re not always Chungus McGrungledunk, but sometimes they’re going to be offering a free trial to, Faurtstick Blastschish or whatever name I give the email address I spin up for the purpose.

    It’s good to register a burner domain that you don’t care about and once you have the processed enough different identities through it simply stop renewing it and sign up for new one.

  • @[email protected]
    84 hours ago

    On some public networks, my Wireguard VPN just doesn’t work. Although I can connect to my server using SSH, so I assume the network was configured to block certain ports or how else can it block VPN connections?

    • @[email protected]
      83 hours ago

      Many networks block UDP ports, which is what wireguard uses. If you can configure the serverside part of the VPN, you could try running it on port 123, which is used for the network time protocol (ntp), which also uses UDP and is open nearly everywhere

      • @TriflingToad
        02 hours ago

        having no idea what the fuck these letters mean I think this dude is correct

  • HubertManne
    94 hours ago

    Oh, it’s not a swindle. What you do is, see, you give 'em all your credit card numbers, and if one of them is lucky, they’ll send you a prize!

  • @Sam_Bass
    43 hours ago

    Breathing isnt free in todays world

  • @norimee
    216 hours ago

    Rule of thumb on the Internet, if you can’t see how it’s payed for (subscriptions, ads, donations…) then you probably pay with your personal data.

    Especially true for apps and games. “Play totally free, no annoying adds or in-app purchases” means “Here is a trojan horse pretending to be a game while farming every possible information from your device to sell to the highest bidder”.

    • @[email protected]
      63 hours ago

      Small shout out to Apple here, perhaps, for their little privacy report card. Here is Angry Birds 2:

      A transcription app by a cool solo dev:

      Y’all trust these?

  • @[email protected]
    9 hours ago

    My email is whatever shit protonpass comes up with when I generate a random alias. Phone number is 3334445566 Name is: lol no Gender is undisclosed DoB is January 1st of the first year I can select. Otherwise, 1900 And income is 1.

    There, free WiFi.

    • @[email protected]
      126 hours ago

      I usually use:
      Email - [email protected]
      Name - Nah Nope
      Gender - prefer not to say
      DoB - same as you
      Phone - just random digits, or if I’m feeling spicy the phone number of a guy I used to be buddies with who fucked me over
      Income - never been asked for this yet, probably go with something outlandish…like 1

    • @[email protected]
      318 hours ago

      That said…A wifi access point that requests that info is almost certainly not private for every other trackable thing you do with that wifi, however.

      • @[email protected]
        167 hours ago

        If it’s an open WiFi (no WPA password) packets are not encrypted anyway, so anyone on this AP can easily see everything that comes through it. A decade ago, when most websites allowed plain HTTP, there was a Firefox extension which let you hijack the Facebook or Twitter session of anyone connected to an open WiFi with a couple of clicks.

        Nowadays everything is hopefully encrypted at the application level, so while attackers can see where the data goes, they can’t actually read it.

    • @bitchkat
      21 hour ago

      Mine is Nada Ubidnes

  • @Treczoks
    259 hours ago

    What would stop you from using random, invented data?

    • @Blue_Morpho
      428 hours ago

      Don’t use random, invented data. That’s wrong. Use the real data of a ceo or other executive from a company that spammed you. Or if you have the time find out who owns the mall and use their information.

  • @over_clox
    8 hours ago

    Walmart does similar now, though they don’t ask all that much. The bogus account I set up is…

    Email: [email protected]

    Password: Walmart1

    Name: Anonymous Human

    Enjoy your anonymous free WiFi at Walmart haha!