So I want to live a very safe, secure and peaceful life and I think all of the groups of people I mentioned above will be a threat to it. I want zero involvement with these people. Politicians do all kinds of shady and illegal stuff under the blanket of being people’s representatives. The elite rape and torture people for their own sadistic pleasure. Law enforcement loves to misuse their power to harass, abuse and spoil people’s lives. And, you don’t need an explanation regarding the underworld. How do I protect myself, my family, the ones I love and are near and dear to me from all these horrendous people? I have a normal job, I’m not an activist or advocate for any social cause. I’m a bit above the middle class so I guess you can call me I’m from the upper middle class. How do I live a life where I go zero contact with these people? Thanks!

Edit: Edited to add the serious tag.

  • @[email protected]
    103 hours ago

    Don’t want to be involved with politicians, stay out of politics.

    Don’t want to be involved with the police, follow the laws. Absolutely do not get involved with sovereign citizen bullshit, it is based on nothing and has never worked in a court of law. I mention this because you seem like someone that might be attracted to that, and there’s nothing that’s going to get Johnny Law up in your shit faster than some bullshit “I’m just traveling in a private conveyance license plate I bought off Facebook marketplace.”

    Don’t want to be involved with the underworld… again just follow the law. Mobsters and human traffickers aren’t heading into the suburbs to recruit new operatives.

    Don’t want to be involved with the elite, kinda shit out of luck, they own everything and will squeeze you with all kinds of predatory capitalism. This means you get to pick between hundreds of brands all produced by 3 mega corporations, not that Elon musk rapes your kid in the basement. So basically the same advice, don’t go to billionaire cocktail parties (don’t worry they aren’t inviting you) and you’ll be fine.

    You live in the statistically safest time for a human being to live if you are in the USA. If you consume a bunch of media you’ll get a different impression, but you literally could not pick a safer time to be alive if you are some upper middle class nobody.

    tl;dr - No one gives one wet shit about you, my dude. You aren’t the main character, there isn’t a cabal of politicians and elites and cops and billionaires plotting your destruction. If you are feeling paranoid go seek out mental health support, and do it from a doctor, not Lemmy.

  • @Usernameblankface
    11 hour ago

    Please edit to make it clear that you are from India. That context is important to addressing your question here

  • @NeoNachtwaechter
    12 hours ago

    I would recommend Denmark, because I have heard that the people there are relatively satisfied with their legal and political system in general and also with their government. Therefore I think your chances are good to get most/all of your wishes there.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    104 hours ago

    It’s not exactly hard. I wait tables and I don’t deal with any of those groups.

    • @[email protected]
      33 hours ago

      Second this.

      My read on it was that there’s a chance OP is a little over sensitive to the news cycle - happens sometimes. For me, it was the fear of Russia launching a war into N America in the next couple of years, and my family and I getting drafted. Real possibility, low likelihood.

      Solution: disconnect from the news for a bit and reconnect with the ppl around you. We aren’t that important on a broad scale, unless one is in an overtly totalitarian country (then ignore my comment lol)

      • @NeedAnswerForEyePainOP
        22 hours ago

        We aren’t that important on a broad scale, unless one is in an overtly totalitarian country (then ignore my comment lol)

        You could say that I live in an overtly totalitarian country. I live in India and with the path we are going, we’ll mostly be a dictatorship within 2027 with the new “one nation one election” bullshit.

        Solution: disconnect from the news for a bit and reconnect with the ppl around you.

        I actually don’t consume news. I don’t watch news on the TV or YouTube. I don’t read newspapers either. Some rare “once under a blue moon browsing local news subreddits thing” that’s it. But even that rare news consumption makes me feel nervous with all the crazy and vile shit going on in my country.

  • @[email protected]
    40 minutes ago

    I think it’s possible media’s attention to scandal has made you cynical.

    Most politicians do not do shady, illegal shit. Most “elites” (do you mean billionaires?) do not torture and rape people. Most law enforcement officers are just trying to do their job.

    My perspective is from the USA. I understand many other places internationally have a culture of corruption and naked power structures.

    So, maybe a good question so answers can be in context is, where are you from?

    • @NeedAnswerForEyePainOP
      23 hours ago

      So, maybe a good question so answers can be in context is, where are you from?

      I’m from India. The shittiest of the shittiest third world country to exist in my humble opinion.

      Here politicians do all sorts of shady illegal stuff starting right from natural resources smuggling (like sand, gravel etc.,) to human and organ trafficking.

      The elites over here are literal pedophiles and rape and torture children and women for their own crooked pleasure (Here’s are some news article regarding Nithari serial murder case from top of my bookmarks for your reference. This case revolves around pedophilia, necrophilia, cannibalism and sexual trafficking. The businessman Moninder Singh Pandher involved in this case was regarded as “India’s Epstein”. He said in an interrogation that he knows powerful ministers and actually named a few. It is regarded he “supplied” children to powerful politicians. Links: wiki: BBC news article:

      And don’t even get me started on the Indian police! They are the most powermonger police force you’ll ever meet in your life! Those mofos will try to do any vile thing which is in reach within their powers!

      • @Usernameblankface
        11 hour ago

        Oh wow. One time a former neighbor of mine was telling me that India is so great and the culture so old and they’ve already worked through all the bad forms of government, and on and on about how enlightened the people of India are.

        Well, that wasn’t true at all

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    23 hours ago

    If you mean simply not coming into their spheres, that’s easy. I haven’t all that much either, unless local mayoral matters count, in which I’m next in line.

    If you mean not wanting to even indirectly share the same world as them, I can only recommend moving to a third world country or a Polynesian one. Pitcairn seems like a pretty nice choice that’s looking for more people to move there. Other than that, you got me.

  • @hahattpro
    23 hours ago

    Just live and be a wage worker, mannnn.

  • @yesman
    03 hours ago

    Regardless of what you do, the people you love will get hurt, suffer, and die. You’re going to have to let that go, or you’ll be the one suffering. If you want to protect your loved ones, buy insurance.