• @qooqie
    157 hours ago

    Redditors will complain about everything without actually doing anything. The API debacle should be enough evidence. So many said big words and then never left, you would’ve thought Reddit would go under with all the words said. And now Reddit is doing fine and made more money than ever

    • kratoz29
      35 hours ago

      What I find crazy is that they decided to pay for the API to keep using it with the few clients that operate that way, they are effectively paying for using Reddit SMFH.

      Why would one even conceive that idea if you can have an ad-less experience of Reddit in desktop (Ublock Origin), iOS and Android (sideload) still.

  • @Etterra
    46 hours ago

    Meanwhile, me on NewPipe:

  • @[email protected]
    8 hours ago

    TBH I’m not sure if a platform like YouTube will ever exist in a non-commercial way. Many creators that I follow reached a level of professionalism that comes with significant costs. You need expensive cameras, microphones, lights, high-end computers, drones, personnel costs for cutters and people that help with research. They have travel costs, sometimes rent for offices etc. All that just to produce the content.

    On top, there are significant costs for hosting. I mean YouTube is hosted on multiple data centers rather than a bunch of servers or even home computers. Already Lemmy, which is mostly text and pictures, is a decent financial burden to instance owners. Not to mention the time for moderation and administration. And even here, in a place full of hardcore FOSS supporters, it’s not like admins are drowned in donations.

    If YouTube ads and product placements are the only source of income for content creators, then the only alternative would be that consumers directly pay for the content and the platform. Or that such a platform would be paid by some state / taxes. Both of which don’t sound very realistic to me.

    • @Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In
      26 hours ago

      On top, there are significant costs for hosting

      I read somewhere that AWS hosting would cost $2bn/year vs advertising revenue of 30bn/year

      • @[email protected]
        45 hours ago

        Is there a credible source for the costs of hosting? Wikipedia is listing similar ad revenues as you did but no info on the costs. YouTube has 2.7 billion users that watch in average around 11 hours of videos a month. If 2 billion USD/y would be sufficient to host all that that’d be just 0,74 USD/user*year or 0,06 USD per month. That sounds really cheap considering that you have to pay for storage, traffic, backups and redundancies (at least I never heard of significant outages or data loss on YT).

        Does anyone have a credible source on the number of employees YouTube has? If you search for that you fine vastly different number from just 2k to 189k employees.

        • @kameecoding
          4 hours ago

          It’s a cope by lemmings trying to justify why they deserve to watch lagfree, adfree, hd videos, by thousands of creators on demand anywhere in the world for free.

    • @Draupnir
      89 hours ago

      My guess is it’s like how last June many redditors bitched about the changes and threatened to leave, but many didn’t and stayed through the enshittification just like this YouTube situation.