GOP presidential candidate draws renewed criticism after suggesting slavery helped African Americans develop skills such as being a blacksmith

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  • @fubo
    801 year ago

    Removed by mod

    • იႦაႵმყიიႶ
      -711 year ago

      What if you’re not white and vote for him, or if you’re white and not a SuPrEmAcIsT? I’m not voting for him but I am curious on where the answer stands with these two scenarios.

      • LemmyLefty
        711 year ago

        If you watch someone piss in a milk carton and then offer you a bowl of cereal the next morning, and you accept, it’s because you’re either into it or really, really out of it.

        • იႦაႵმყიიႶ
          -511 year ago

          Well this didn’t have to do with either and didn’t happen so I can’t really respond to this fake scenario.

          • @Countess425
            411 year ago

            Nobody expects you to understand a metaphor. It’s for the rest of us to lol at.

          • @mindbleach
            151 year ago

            Fake scenarios like asking ‘what if I support a bigot without being a bigot?’

      • themeatbridge
        361 year ago

        Some republicans aren’t hateful bigots. Some of them are ignorant morons.

      • @fubo
        151 year ago

        People who aren’t into white-supremacy are not the target audience of his imagined fond recollections of some ancestor’s plantation.

      • @abracaDavid
        131 year ago

        If you saw a house burning down and you did nothing to stop the flames, wouldn’t you say that that person wanted the house to burn down?

        If you are not actively against white supremacists, you are allowing them to spread and flourish. It’s like a weed. If you don’t pull it, it’s going to take over your beds.

      • slicedcheesegremlin
        1 year ago

        why the fuck are you voting for someone who made his own private militarized police force to protect his interests like a stereotypical cold war era dictator

  • chaogomu
    691 year ago

    I always like to point out that when congress banned the transatlantic slave trade in 1808, it didn’t stop the desire of slaveholders for new slaves.

    Enslaved women were used as brood mares until they physically could not produce more children. Then some of those women were subjected to medical experimentation (without painkillers) to repair the damage caused by pregnancies either too frequent or too early.

    The population of enslaved black people quadrupled in the 50 years after the transatlantic slave trade was banned. White slave owners would often rape their enslaved women, and then sell off the children for profit. And could get more profit, because the children had lighter skin.

    Oh, and that ban on the transatlantic slave trade? That was very easy to get around. Jim Bowie, as an example, used to smuggle slaves from French pirate slaver traders into the US through the swamps of Louisiana. Then he moved to Texas as part of a plan to turn it into a slave holding nation. (Mexico had actually banned slavery)

    Jim Bowie, died at the Alamo, likely in bed shitting himself from cholera. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving sort.

    I really should try to control my tangents…

    • @Cheems
      71 year ago

      Wasn’t the Alamo almost entirely about slavery too? As in a blight on our past that has been misconstrued and blatantly lied about to become something we’re taught to be proud of?

      • chaogomu
        61 year ago

        Yeah, the entire Texas independence movement was white slaver owners wanting to own slaves in Texas. Which was actually part of Mexico, and had banned slavery in Texas a few years prior, and the white colonist slave owners were having none of it.

        There were several rebellions against Santa Anna at the time, Texas was the only “success”. All because of the white slave owners pumping a lot of money into the fight.

        • @InverseParallax
          31 year ago

          The Tennessee “Volunteers”, who volunteered to go to Texas to fight to get another American slave state.

  • @[email protected]
    401 year ago

    Parents of the uvalde kids benefited too. Their house hold cost of living went down.

    Fuck America and those that still support all the fake life rapist bullshit that it builds.

  • @thefloweracidic
    391 year ago

    The claim that slaves benefited from slavery is like saying you benefited from getting your arm torn off because you are now ten pounds lighter.

    • @[email protected]
      231 year ago

      Exactly, there’s a sick, twisted sort of truth in there, but dude is forgetting the slavery side, the no freedom side. He can go into slavery himself if he thinks it’s such a great way to learn lucrative new skills.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      The point of the claim is to diminish the horrors of slavery and to eliminate it as a factor in the current poverty, lack of education, and crime that endemic in black communities.

      Once they do that they can just say it’s a “race” thing, and re-employ racist policies to put black people in their “proper place”, whether it be one of servitude, subjugation, or exile depends on the flavor of bigot.

  • @MicroWaveOP
    371 year ago


    Some on the right defended DeSantis, including Fox News host Jesse Watters.

    “No one is arguing slaves benefited from slavery,” Watters said Friday on his prime time show. “No one is saying that. It’s not true. They are teaching how Black people develop skills during slavery in some instances that can be applied for their own personal benefit.”

    • @killernova
      241 year ago

      Sooo… they did benefit from slavery, and also didn’t benefit from slavery? He said both things in the same breath…

      Obviously slavery is purely wrong.

      • Billiam
        111 year ago

        Doublethink is a requirement to be a Fox News host.

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      I guess there’s a Tucker Carlson sized hole of hatred that the other anchors are clamoring to fill

    • ed_cock
      51 year ago

      Funny, that’s actually the argument most often heard in Germany when people want to bring back mandatory military/civil service. Yes, it’s slavery, but it’ll teach you stuff!

      • Flying Squid
        1 year ago

        We also are approaching the point where we will have ‘novel-writing machines.’ Except ours will also make movies.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      The word benefit and slavery should only be used together when talking about slaveowners and the 1700s-1800s US economy.

    • @Pandantic
      31 year ago

      Yeah, like cooking the parts of animals their slavers threw out. How beneficial!

  • Flying Squid
    241 year ago

    If you can only use your skills by being enslaved, you didn’t benefit. Fucking racist prick.

  • donuts
    211 year ago

    Ok, putting aside the disgusting stupidity of this claim for a second…

    … what exactly is the political play here? I just can’t see how this is a smart argument or a winning strategy.

    • cassetti
      1 year ago

      Desantis is vying for political points that he can use nationally. He and his campaign think it’ll score them points that might help them prove to be more “Trumpy” than other candidates.

      • donuts
        91 year ago

        Honestly, while it wouldn’t totally surprise me to have Republicans sink to an even lower low… I’m just not sure that there’s a large contingent of national voters for who “actually slavery was pretty great for black people” is an important issues or a winning message.

        I feel like it’s ultimately suburban voters who tip the scale in a general election, and defending slavery isn’t probably the main issue on their mind. And for the GOP primary, there’s no chance that he pulls anything meaningful away from the Trump cult with this shit. It just seems so stupid.

        • @Mirshe
          61 year ago

          You’d be entirely shocked at how racist suburban voters can be, and how open a lot of them have become in recent years.

    • @MelonTheMan
      91 year ago

      It’s all about pushing the needle and normalizing this shit. They can do whatever they want in Florida so they test drive their facist ideologies there.

      I don’t think Desantis is being tooled as a viable candidate, just a useful ton of dead weight to push the scales further right.

    • @80085
      61 year ago

      I don’t think this, in particular, is about the campaign. It’s about ideology. I don’t think DeSantis is a grifter that only cares about getting elected or getting people to like him (unlike Trump). I think he is an actual pseudo-fascist. He is implementing all these changes to reshape Florida in his image. In this example, his goal is to have kids to grow up thinking all the poor black people are poor because they are not good workers or people, which is probably what he believes, or worse.

  • @[email protected]
    201 year ago

    Some presidential candidates benefit from being punched repeatedly in the face. Let’s not demonize presidential candidate face punching so quickly either.

    • @assassinatedbyCIA
      11 year ago

      It may improve the appearance of some of the presidential candidates. We really need to both sides the presidential face punching issue.

  • @Sir_Simon_Spamalot
    181 year ago

    The guy must’ve been inspired by Django.

    He didn’t watch it til the end.

  • AnonTwo
    1 year ago

    You can argue that just about anything has some benefit to someone. Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and all

    But you know having a better quality of life with more opportunities will exponentially benefit you more than any of that shit. On top of you know, having the actual ability to do something that you would actually enjoy doing with your skillset.

    All this to say that trying to push the idea that being a slave wasn’t all bad has absolutely no beneficial views period.

  • @mindbleach
    171 year ago

    What servitude would DeSantis need to be forced into, to develop skills such as basic human empathy?

    • @RGB3x3
      21 year ago

      Probably best to just get rid of him entirely.

      Let’s give him an all-expense-paid trip with OceanGate

  • @[email protected]
    141 year ago

    Everytime someone suggests this, I’d suggest them to go back a few hundred years in history and live the life of all the people back then.

    If they then still have the courage to suggest it,then I’ll watch.

  • @thefloweracidic
    121 year ago

    I’m pretty sure any “skills” learned under slavery didn’t create any amount of net good. When slavery ended the living conditions for former slaves plummeted. As a slave they were property, they had value, and their owners had good reason to keep them alive or maintain their selling value. As a free citizen they became a business cost, and held no value to their bosses. Therefore former slaves would get paid next to nothing to do the same brutal work they were doing as slaves, with a whole tsunami of apathetic racism to deal with too.

    Yeah, a black man may have learned blacksmithing, but his life was still shit. The life of his children was still shit. Those “skills” didn’t do jack shit, if they could even apply them? Like imagine being an uneducated recently freed slave in a society where an overwhelming amount of cunts hate you for no good reason, now imagine what a job search would be like under those conditions.

    Nothing about slavery was fucking good.

    • Flying Squid
      51 year ago

      Nothing about slavery was fucking good.

      Disney got a movie out of it! Zip-a-de-doo-dah!

  • @Laticauda
    71 year ago

    I’m sure black people couldn’t possibly have developed these skills on their own terms if they were free. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

  • @TokenBoomer
    71 year ago

    Can we get a triple down for the hat trick?