• @Rapidcreek
    216 months ago

    Our nations Mental Health Crises and ease of access to military-grade adjacent firearms are two glaring daily issues half the nation will do anything to prevent addressing. Fairly surreal.

    • ThePowerOfGeek
      6 months ago

      But at the same time…

      “MeNtAL hEaLtHcArE iS fOr SnOwFLaKeS!!1! AnD tHE OnLy WaY tO bEAt a BaD gUy WitH a GuN iS a GoOd GuY WiTh a GuN!!1!” -Mentally-ill right-wing gun nuts everywhere

  • borari
    6 months ago

    Ok, I’ve read about couple articles about this letter now. All of them have the same information, and all are lacking the same information.

    So this guy drops off a box at someone’s house, with a note talking about how he failed to assassinate Trump. The person with the box opens it up when this guy hits the news, arrested for the assassination attempt.

    Did this guy expect to fail? Why was there only a note detailing his failed attempt, and not another one in the case he was successful?

    Was he just hoping this someone with the box would go through it when he was on the news?

    My gut is telling me that if there was only a failure note this whole thing was either a sham, or the person with the box knew something was going down and threw out the letter for the scenario that didn’t play out. I feel like an insane conspiracy nut job thinking like this though, but this is weird right? What kind of person who has such conviction of belief that they’re willing to kill a person goes in to it expecting to fail?

    • @[email protected]
      56 months ago

      If he chickens out, or succeeds and gets away, he can come back for the letter and no one will know. If he is apprehended, the appropriate letter will be found. Only situation he doesn’t seem to have planned for is succeeding but getting apprehended anyway.

  • The Pantser
    86 months ago

    Pity he let his dreams be dreams

  • Jay
    46 months ago

    The pre-written letter, addressed to “The World”, appears to pre-empt a failed assassination attempt. “I tried my best and gave it all the gumption I could muster,” it reads.

    Was it foreshadowing or had he possibly tried getting close enough before and it didn’t pan out?

  • @kikutwo
    -66 months ago

    You’d think Iran could hire someone more competent.