Pretty sure the escalation was more on the Israeli side in general but hey, who’s keeping track anyway?
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Typical false equivalency from a hegemonic rag.
I predict this one will destroy all the holy sites.
I wonder if that would solve the whole fucking problem or if they’d all just find different stupid shit to kill each other over.
A Star Trek episode with Frank Gorshin comes to mind.
The Israel/Palestine conflict and its ancillary conflicts like Israel/Hezbollah are not about religion. They are about the explusion of indigenous peoples from Palestine who have now lived as refugees in occupied territories or camps in bordering countries for four generations.
The idea that this is some age-old religious conflict is not historically accurate. These conflicts all trace back to the colonization of Palestine and the expulsion of half its population in the mid-20th century.
Optimistic! A rare treat.
Maybe they can both blow each other up and we don’t have to hear about their endless bullshit. Sorry a little frustrated with all of this.
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so you make false equivalences
The hypocrisy. He’s smart enough to understand the only issue is that one side is actually capable of it and not that other side wouldn’t if they could.
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If they don’t knock it off, Biden’s gonna write them a letter and it might be strongly worded.
One side exists for the sole purpose of eliminating the other. Pretty sure war is inevitable in that scenario.
Israel’s occupation of Lebanon created Hezbollah, just like their occupation of Gaza created Hamas. This is what we call the consequences of one’s actions.
Everyone everywhere to have ever existed is a product of their environment, but that doesn’t mean Nazis shouldn’t be shot in the face.
On side exists for the sole reason that the other attacked them and repeatedly tried to invade them, twice. Indeed, if they continue their aggression, war is inevitable.
BS. The Coastal Road massacre started all that between Israel and Lebanon.
BS. The Nakbah started all that.
But more specifically Hezbollah started after the second invasion of Lebanon.
You mean the Palestinian rebellion against a UN mandate that had nothing to do with Lebanon? Nope.
The resulting expulsion, massacre, and ethnic cleansing was not a UN mandate, mind you the bribes and threats the west used against vassal states and banana republics to get mandate passed make your point moot anyway.
No, your ignoring the salient point ‘nothing to do with Lebanon’ makes your point moot.
Pure strawman. Par for the course for Zionists.
Yes, zionists are ready to genocide many people in pursuit of stealing even more land.
do you think Hezbollah would exist in the same way if it was British people colonizing the land?
Is it an anti Jewish organisation or an anti colonial organisation?
So this question has two answers depending on the details. If British people came and did everything Jews did in the Middle East and history went in generally the same way, then yeah organizations like Hezbollah or Hamas would exist in pretty much the same way, and in that Hezbollah case they’d have probably organized Jewish volunteers to fight against British occupation (referring to their multiethnic volunteer force). This premise is of course historically unrealistic for many reasons, but it better captures the spirit of the question.
Now for the more historically plausible answer: If the Brits came and created a non-setter colony like they usually do, there’d of course be resistance that would start peaceful and turn armed, but it wouldn’t be with the same intensity as what we see in Palestine and Lebanon today because Britain was in general a much milder colonizer than Israel is. The only place where the British did anything comparable to what Israel is doing was Ireland and you know what the Irish did about that.
Is it an anti Jewish organisation or an anti colonial organisation?
Like most paramilitary organizations in the region it’s both, because Middle Eastern people generally don’t think much beyond Jew = Zionist = enemy, but they’re much more fundamentally an anti-colonial organization. The anti-Jewish part comes on later as the result of faulty reasoning. I mean let’s face it, who even has the free time on their hands to create a paramilitary on par with a small nation’s military because they hate Jews? Seeing people who happen to be Jews raping and murdering your period, pillaging and stealing your land and generally commiting atrocities is a much better motivator. This goes for Palestinian paramilitary organizations too, but for Hezbollah specifically remember that—while they’ve evolved a lot beyond their initial stage—their mandate was and still is to protect Lebanese land from aggression.
You can tell zios are honest and decent people by the sincere and open way in which they express their viewpoints. \s \s \s
They could be worse. They could be anti-zios.
Anti-Zionism is the default status, same as anti-fascism is.
😆 Citation please.
Being a basic human with empathy and not a nationalistic piece of shit.
Nationalism and racism are taught behaviours.
I don’t know if I’d describe Israel in such absolute terms. Surely it serves some purpose other than genocide, right?
I mean its main purpose is settler colonialism and Apartheid, but for that purpose you need some genocide in the mix so maybe???