Literally never not with phone in her hand. Can’t even enjoy a day with her friend picking out a dress. She was prob making it all about her. Not looking as slim as she makes herself look either 🤔 those jeans couldn’t look more sucked up her butt either, it would legit kill her to wear pants that fit.
She doesn’t look slim at all. Those pants are doing her no favors lol I love seeing other people’s posts on her. Showcases how much she filters everytime
Right? Yet her video this morning shilling products she was looking like she’d be a size 4.
I’m always shocked when other people film her and she actually reposts it. But I figure it’s her way of gaslighting.
It’s astonishing she gets away with it. She looks like what she is, a middle-aged woman with four kids and an untoned body that she feels the need to force on everyone as the gold standard while trying to hide it at the same time. Nobody is mistaking her for a young, fit supermodel in the real world. I love that for her, because it’s what she deserves, the desperate realization that even with all the filter fuckery and the thousands of dollars worth of filler and botox, she can’t rewind time and truly live out her vapid, self-centered dream.
What is this stupid pose? Cloudy with a rainfall warning all day and doofus must have her shades 🤡
Her face color to her hands shows her cakey orange coverup. Yuck
I’ve been saying this! WTF is with the orange lately? Like SO orange.
Imagine how nasty she looks in person. Caked and crusted.
I’m embarrassed that I wore sunglasses while walking in rain yesterday 😂 but I’m also a bit sensitive to bright even on a dull day. I def wouldn’t be wearing them on my head though all day lol.
It’s fine! I got PRK done on my eyes and the surgeon highly recommends everyone wear sunglasses even on cloudy/rainy days. She so clearly wears hers as a clutch though.
This is such a good fact to know since I always wear them no matter what it’s like out, but I feel that’s def not why she wears them on her head all day.
Definitely not! I also meant to say crutch and not clutch hahaha.
One of the people who Briony has asked to come wedding dress shopping with her is Birdie’s neighbour?!
I was gonna come post somewhat the same, I was gonna say “imagine asking two people with ZERO style to come wedding dress shopping with you” lol. Does Briony really not have better friends than this? Or maybe her real friends have lives and can’t just drive to Toronto on a random Tuesday afternoon.
I’m not sure what her deal is but one Christmas she spent the holidays at birds house because she had no place/friends/family to go to.
Oh yea i remember that.
I feel she posted engagement party (or some sort of party) pics with a bunch of girls before that weren’t those two losers but if she really thinks Sarah and Becci are the best judges then okay lol
Do any of them have any “real” friends left?
I’d say no. Becci was Sarah’s one “real” friend, albeit a cling-on and riding her coattails. But now that she’s with Shine she’s just as fake as the rest of them.
That is what they tree on to go wedding dress shopping? I’m not saying you need to go glam but put in some effort - it’s a girls day out, dress nice. Sarah gold chains are too much!
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Yes. I wouldn’t be surprised if Birdie asked if she could go because she can’t do anything by herself.
This is a real gem! Slathered that makeup on with a trowel.
Twins 👯
That mouth is looking so full and unfortunate. 👁️👁️ 👄
Yikes!!! Look at that texture
And you hardly see texture = filter
Ew. Slow down on the orange cover up. Not a good look Birdshit. Also the filter migration is getting ridiculous…
Nana K was so kind to post this 😆
her lips are nasty
The filler bulge be bulgin’
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More free shit. I bet it was soooo hard to say yes to this gift .
Gross. Fuck home depot.
Shane is a greedy loser. He’s not a man.
These losers at home all day just waiting for their free goodies
They’re in the basement smoking weed and drinking craft beer while writing demand emails to brands. 🤣
Maybe they should try giving it away
And another one
The dress and pattern she claimed to design because she woke up one day able to paint/draw and pattern draft. Sure Jan.
Lmfao. The Mennonite dress was another flop. Nothing she puts her name on is a success
These 2 idiots are literally driving around with each other when she posted this.
I fucking hate everything she does.
Why is a chain coffee cup SO CUTE?!?!And I can’t with the Disney wallpaper. 🙄
Where did she put that wall paper? In a bathroom? A grown ass adult with her professionally done Reno putting up Disney wallpaper is too much.
Imagine being Shane. I bet he’s had zero input in this renovation and at the end of the day he only has himself to blame for enabling this monster.
She’s so goddamn basic. What is cute about that boring Tim’s cup? Absolutely nothing.
Also her promo for well dot ca is awful. BLEH.
Absolutely no one has been asking for a Well code like she’s claiming. It only works for people who have never ordered there before.
These 2 side by side is interesting. Becci has stated many times she is 200lbs. Birdie is always a 10-12 no matter what.
I don’t like Becci AT ALL but it’s nice to see someone transparent about their size and their difficulty with finding clothes she feels comfortable in. Unlike the person standing next to her who is a liar. This side by side is looking very similar.
They literally look the same size to me. I think Bird looks worse even. NB is wearing her size, so her clothes fit better, but Birdie is squeezing herself into smaller clothes, so she looks like a stuffed sausage. It makes her look bigger and sloppier.
This is so interesting because when Sarah went to the movie premier in NY with Renee in the pictures she posted Sarah looked tiny compared to Renee. Renee is very lean so I guess it’s their bone structure or something. Based on the shrinking photos Sarah has posted this is wild! Sarah is a horrible person but to not have anyone in your life that is willing to be honest with you about how damaging and manipulative you are - that’s sad!
They are the same size. Birdshit even has a bigger stomach. She’s a liar…obviously!
She’s stuffing her fupa into pants that don’t fit so it looks bigger and draws more attention. But anything to say she is a size 12 I guess 🤷🏽♀️
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They both desperately need a different bra.
LoL right!!!
The vast majority of women are wearing the wrong bra size but one of them is a Knix ambassador so this is inexcusable imo lol. That said, Knix doesn’t have proper bra sizing either so I’m sure that has something to do with it. 🤦🏻♀️
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Yesterday she brought back she’s a migraine sufferer, today she’s bringing back the mental health schitick. But I mean she isn’t wrong that she doesn’t deserve all of these opportunities 🫢 but I don’t think she actually believes that regardless of what she says. I think she believes she deserves everything, she just wants a sob story about poor ol’ Sarah.
She struggles to say yes to things 🤣 sure. 2 more big opportunities today. Oh joy!
She doesn’t even make sense. As a mental health suffering woman, you don’t just push thru it. It’s constant. It’s crippling.
What did I just read? Her grammar is atrocious.
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This reads “I haven’t got my way a few times, and as a spoiled brat, I’m not used to that happening to me”
Is it too triggering for Birdie to workout with her bff’s? They have a membership at the same gym.
Am I the only one that thinks this looks like shit?
Nope. It looks like it was shot in her backyard with pink tulle over her face. BLEH.
She has to have some type of filter so a fuzzy looking veil did the trick.
This picture doesn’t look any better than my 15 pro. They aren’t doing Apple any favors with this nonsense.
Wow groundbreaking. Elle magazine seriously wrote a feature about this?
Yes! It’s what amateur photographs always do. Drape some see through awful fabric over their head and think it’s giving Annie Leibovitz lol
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So cringe and fake.
Oh time to bring back that she’s a headache sufferer so she can shill some products 🙄
What about the Botox for migraines? I thought that was the cure. Now it’s Saje products.
God, is there a roll-on that can STOP those fake crispy Rs? It’s nauseating. This woman is such BS.
I can’t freaking STAND when she does that with her Rs. One of many reasons it made unfollowing her easy to do
I guess she doesn’t need Botox anymore!
Only to keep her face from moving now
Considering she’s said Botox got rid of her migraines, surprised saje hired her to lie.
Such a good point
Here’s my Saje headache story. I get migraines. The Saje roll-on provides a very small degree of relief, mainly because it feels cool going on because of the peppermint, but it NEVER really knocked out the migraine pain. Oh, and once I went to use it as I was driving because my head was POUNDING, and it came out so much it ran into my eyes. I couldn’t pull over for 5 minutes to dump a bottle of water over my eyes to stop the burn.
Omg that sounds like such a scary experience! See, I appreciate REAL reviews like this and not ones like Sarah’s where everything is sooo great and it’s the best product to ever exist and I better go out and spend my money on it asap because it’ll cure all my ailments 🙄
Yeah, it was BAD! I swiped across my upper forehead and on my temples, not realizing it came out of the roll-on so much that it was running down into my eyes. I’ve given Saje A LOT of money over the years. I don’t trust people who never have issues with anything. If you suffer from migraines the way I do, the kind that send you to a darkened room with throbbing pain and flashing aura, a roll on isnt gonna cut it beyond feeling a little cooling and comforting for a few minutes.
She will say anything to put a buck in her bag.
Omg this 1000000% don’t even remotely get it near your eyes because it burns. Sadly I really do like this roll on just soothes the pain rather than taking it away
Why does anyone need this “reminder”?
It’s a reminder she wears KNIX and doesn’t have to pay for it but you should spend your hard earned money and buy some ✌️
It’s also a reminder that she’s a one trick pony.
She’s showing off that she’s lost weight. No one needs a reminder. Sarah should remind herself of her real face.
She’s trying to sell these as tummy-control underwear under the guise of “look at my authentic belly” that’s the only reason why she posted this and that other belly post the other day. Her face in her stories today was so filteredwhem she was chaoticly rambling her lies about her DM’s —she had the partial eyelid again that was super lifted.
Compared to this
How do you make your eyebrows 2 inches higher? Asking for a friend…,
But on her stories we eyebrows are lifted…weird lol
I can’t stand her. My disgust for her reaches new heights daily lately.
Such a terrible photo and setup
She’s a fake and fraud.
Her message is flawed considering she’s sucking in for dear life in the first pic.
This is legit the ONLY thing she has, she thinks she can always fall back on this. Like big whoop. So many of us can go in the mirror and do the same thing but not need to show it to the internet. Shes so washed up.
All she reminded me to do is squats.
Lmfao!!! Love it
Girl is thirsty. I’m stuck on the tit out Mama’s for Mama’s poster. Sarah’s looking to feed the men of Kelowna.
Oh and in second pic her arm is away from her body to appear thinner. Man oh man, she is sick af
Ugh…again??? LoL Meanwhile she’s angled away with her arm up in first photo. Such a fucken loser.
And…she’s holding alot back too…the hand underneath…I literally can’t stand her
I wonder if the placement of the text box and white heart were strategic. Seem to be covering something up
Have never heard her mention use of essential oils until now. But whatever.
She’s been shilling Saje for years. For some reason it’s just not very often.
She only likes something when she’s paid to say so
Now she needs to money from affiliates
Ah. I must have blinked and missed how critical essential oils are in her life lol
She’s losing her platform. Her CT cups were a flop. Reitmans was a flop. SI was a flop. Her only gigs are her own photoshoots…and her poor child…
I wonder if Reitman’s has another collab with her next year. She tagged them the other day so they don’t forget about her.
She does #ads for Sage but just like her clothing or ugly water tumbler collabs she doesn’t really use or wear the items she pressures everyone else into buying. It’s all about making $$ to Sarah. There really needs to be strict advertising standards for influencers.
She hauls out these stories whenever Saje gives her a new opportunity. I stopped shopping with them because of it, and I spent A LOT with them, certainly a lot more than Freeloader Frances here.