Good morning fellow sobernauts, IWNDWYT 😁!

We may be anonymous strangers on the internet, but we have one thing in common. We may be a world apart, but we’re here together!

Welcome to the 24 hour pledge! I’m pledging myself to not drinking today, and invite you to do the same.

Maybe you’re new to c/stop drinking and have a hard time deciding what to do next. Maybe you’re like me and feel you need a daily commitment or maybe you’ve been sober for a long time and want to inspire others.

It doesn’t matter if you’re still hung over from a three day bender or been sober for years, if you just woke up or have already completed a sober day. For the next 24 hours, let’s not drink alcohol!

  • @ArmyTiger
    62 days ago

    Day 4, might be the longest this year for me. IWNDWYT

    • @CheesyGordita
      42 days ago

      Hell yeah! That’s a great achievement

    • DrCatface
      42 days ago

      so good to hear congrats and welcome back

  • @HopeDrone
    2 days ago

    I’m shocked that I’ve made it here, but it’s day 1000, and I will absolutely not drink with you today.

  • @ickplant
    32 days ago

    I will not drink with you today! I had a really vivid nightmare that my dog fell out of a window of a tall building (this is how my fear of heights manifests sometimes), and now I am cuddling her while drinking coffee.

    Puppy tax:

    • DrCatface
      2 days ago

      the little faces awwwwww I love her what a good girl

      • @ickplant
        21 day ago

        She is the bestest 🥰🥰🥰

  • @ladicius
    82 days ago

    Here with you. Take good care of yourself, you are a nice bunch. Have a nice day!

  • ZerlynaM
    72 days ago

    Let’s do this!❤️

  • @CheesyGordita
    62 days ago

    Howdy everyone, I will not drink with you today. My body is definitely appreciating the proper hydration the past day or two. Going to keep that up

  • DrCatface
    42 days ago

    1 week today!!! finally got a good sleep! pink cloud has officially begun. finally saw and patted a 7mo service dog in training without breaking into tears, helped an older lady struggling to get her walker down the curb and finally ate something substantial for the first time in 3 days, u can order as many times as you want from the kitchen so I ate 3 chicken parmys, I feel pregnant aye. kicking goals. ward AA tomorrow, not hyped cause the host is toxic but I’ll go anyway just to see if he shares the exact same story word for word again I’ll probably walk out. real AA on sunday, very keen. I got 8 hours leave each day this wknd and my parents are coming up 400kms with muffin but it’s supposed to rain all wknd but I could lie down in the wet grass and even that couldn’t dampen my spirits. hope you all have an excellent day.

    • @CheesyGordita
      32 days ago

      I love reading your updates, keep kicking ass! I’m so damn happy you got some good sleep. I went three nights earlier this year without any when I was withdrawing and I was on the verge of hallucinating. I have never been so low. It’s literal torture, like sleep deprivation is actually used as a form of torture. Food is huge too. Pets are incredible companions too and I’m stoked you get to see Muffin soon!

      • DrCatface
        22 days ago

        thankyou very very much I was worried about oversharing but avoiding triggering people, there’s no such thing. another shit sleep and nightmares, 3.5hrs but that’s ok I want to continue copying down the big book word for word making sure it sticks, almost finished the entire first chapter. curse you 3am! it is absolutely torture and can ruin your entire day. I wrote like 3 words yesterday cause I just could not put down the guitar, hadn’t picked it up all year. curse you depression, sucking the joy out of everything I enjoy

        but it helps me too to go back through and read what this horrible journey involves, I’ll write all this down too as sort of a detox diary.

    • ZerlynaM
      42 days ago

      Sounds wonderful! Congratulations for a week!!

      • DrCatface
        42 days ago

        thanks ! see u tomorrow!