This is sickening. Is this how you run a state, Tim?! Big talk about healthcare affordability, but your communist healthcare system can’t even save one man. Tim Walz probably only wants children fed so they make juicier targets for the bats. If this man ever sets foot in the EEOB, rabies will sweep across the land and ravage it like the Black Death.

EDIT: Tim Walz has deployed his army of hydrophobic flittermice to downvote this important news and drown out the voices of free, hard-working Americans! Don’t let them steal your country!!

  • @Tylerdurdon
    11 hour ago

    Is this some badly received onion-esque type stuff? Got to watch the satire with this crowd.

  • Andrew
    74 hours ago

    Shocking stuff. Last time I met Tim, he offered me a glass of water, and didn’t even THINK to ask me if I had rabies. So insensitive!